Public Lab Research note

Web Working Group Monthly Recap 4: June 2015

by warren | July 02, 2015 14:07 02 Jul 14:07 | #12028 | #12028

Hello all, happy 4th in advance, and here's our latest recap from PL's Web Working Group:


Foldaways are a small but important change to wiki editing -- a feature where you can hide or "fold away" some in-depth content so that readers may choose to "dive deeper" if they like. You can read about how to use them on the Authoring Help page. They look like this on the page:


I've used them already, on the Oil Testing Kit page


Kep Peterson, who joined as our sysadmin, has been setting up a wildcard SSL certificate, which will fully encrypt for better security across our platforms. More on this soon.


Work this coming month will focus on a new graphing and analysis system for Spectral Workbench (in support of the Oil Testing Kit), as well as some coding on the WhereWeBreathe project and the Spectral Workbench Macros system.

A reasonable amount of small work was done on - the newly relaunched blog and some refactoring, as well as enabling upload of KML and GPX were some highlights. Read more on Github Pulse.


MapKnitter saw three issues closed and three new ones opened, with no big changes. Read more on Github Pulse.

Spectral Workbench

Spectral Workbench saw three issues closed, including an optimization to address outages and some export functions revisions. Five new issues were also opened. Read more on Github Pulse.

Thanks to everyone who's helped out, and for another great month!


Followup! I also just added a bunch of updates to our print stylesheet based on input from @mathew - we hadn't updated it in a long time and it looks a lot better/more useful now:


It also includes a "print without links" option under the "more tools" dropdown as shown here, in case folks don't want the links normally included by browsers:


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