Public Lab Research note

How to delete the images which I do not want to place in the map?

by silentsairam | May 11, 2019 18:34 11 May 18:34 | #19301 | #19301

Started using features of Annotate and trying to add One color Markers in all Locations so far I mapped.

NDVI is a great feature and I clicked it to test. Good tool.Will be sharing my Research note on this soon.


Hi Sairam! We're working on a fix for the deletion bug!

On Sat, May 11, 2019, 2:36 PM \<> wrote:

How to delete the images which I do not want to place in the map?

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Started using features of Annotate and trying to add One color Markers in all Locations so far I mapped.

NDVI is a great feature and I clicked it to test. Good tool.Will be sharing my Research note on this soon.

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Hello @silentsairam , My name is Rose. I've been testing the image deletion on the website. Thank you for making us aware of the issue.
I'm following up to see if you're still not able to delete the images on your map? If so, would you please explain in further detail your process in attempting to delete the image? Maybe that would help me in determining where the problem lies. Thank you.

I look forward to your reply

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Thanks @parker_rose This is the link Test by deleting the two distorted images in the map. Not sure why it not deleting after I refresh the page

My apologies for the delay. That's interesting. I need to look further into this. When it's a regular picture I have no problem deleting them. I wonder if it's the size/stretch that's causing this bug. I'll get back to you soon. Thank you for your feedback.

@silentsairam I believe it has something to do with the size. I managed to bring one down and delete it and the other one I brought down in size but it won't delete now.

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