Public Lab Research note

Presentation on how we collaborate

by liz | April 11, 2014 03:56 11 Apr 03:56 | #10296 | #10296

Joined the community for their 2014 conference--such wonderful people here! Follow the twitter feed #osdctw

I added a new section to our standard deck--slides 32-54, of which #53 is my favorite ;)--that presents our community infrastructure for collaboration. Signing up, posting, what your profile shows, how your contributions are tracked, printed attribution on tools and in forums, mailing lists, organizers, chapters, barnraisings and barnstars oh my.

OSDC Keynote: How Public Lab collaborates from LizBarry

Fully editable transcription by awesome OSDC and g0v folks:

Highlights, as compiled through recent conversation with Public Lab community members including Jeff Warren:

The main thing we are doing is building community of expertise. We function as a learning, living network of people. The datasets, the tools, even the environmental victories -- these are just artifacts of our community's activity, it's the stuff we leave behind as evidence that we were there, like footprints.

Open source collaboration is the only way to approach problems this big. No finite amount of people could do all the work or even direct or facilitate all the work to get done, we need a way of working that enables everyone to grow their capacity to act. We are working to establish a pattern that can scale two orders of magnitude (we've already scaled one order of magnitude in 3 years).


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