Public Lab Research note

Pettus/Packsville 2/10/22

by junior_walk1337 | February 10, 2022 19:54 10 Feb 19:54 | #30020 | #30020

Here is an underground mining operation and processing plant located in Pettus, and Packsville/Marfork WV. Up until recent years the town of Pettus was a small community of homes, much like the homes in the town of Eunice that you can see only a few hundred yards from the mining operations that now exist where their neighbors used to live.


Wow, is that a holding pond Right next to a stream at the 55second mark - again around 2:12? @junior_walk1337 and @ekpeterman do these have to be a certain distance from a waterway? or any other regulations around them?

Also check out the 4:45-5:30 mark looks pretty nasty!

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