Public Lab Research note

Vegetation Mapping

by gwirth | July 07, 2012 20:21 07 Jul 20:21 | #2732 | #2732

Test Photograph from Gowanus Vegetation Mapping featuring the newly planted (and thriving!) tiered salt marsh planting at the Berm Garden.


YEAHHHHHHHHH.... loving it

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Hi Gena - when did this mapping take place? Is there a list of all the mapping days you've had at Gowanus, or a place you're keeping all the imagery? We'd be happy to add full raw imagery to the archive -- it's backed up and all, so it's a good place to store huge amounts of data.


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Hi Warren,

Sure, there is definitely more. I'm slowly assembling a very large stitch of this same planting intersection along the water's edge. I'll definitely upload when done, and add to the raw data base if possible.

We also took on - the -ground shots of the leaves and can ID many of the species-- hoping to mae a map!


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Hey Gena, Did you make a completed map out of this? I feel like I saw a print-out at a meeting once time. We'd love to print it in the upcoming issue of Grassroots Mapping, so let me know!

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