Public Lab Research note

preparing for the Touch|Play|Learn mini-Expo

by cindy_excites | August 03, 2012 22:08 03 Aug 22:08 | #3123 | #3123

The next step in our initiative is to prepare for a mini-Expo (touch/play/learn show and tell) at the Mildmay Community Centre, which from talking to community leaders and other community members, is a good way to introduce the concept of DIY sensing and community-led research. The mini-expo will display some of the prototype sensing tools chosen by community garden volunteers and ExCiteS researchers. The categories of DIY research tools range from project planning and mapping to electronic-based tools and mobile-based applications. Christian Nold, a PhD student in ExCiteS, will be providing support by running a workshop at UCL for ExCiteS on how to assemble some of the electronic-based tools.

The equipment to build the mini-expo prototypes has been gathered and the dates and time for hosting the mini-Expo at the MCC are currently being discussed with Teena Phillips, community member and MCC Manager to ensure as many community members are able to attend.


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