Public Lab Research note

Santa's first stop

by cfastie | December 25, 2014 14:09 25 Dec 14:09 | #11497 | #11497

Twas the night before Christmas when I heard such a clatter
That I flew to the shop to see what was the matter.
I found there a fellow like the real Old Man Winter,
A jolly red elf running my 3D printer.


The PLA was extruding as fast as a whistle,
The nozzle was zooming like a zigzagging missile.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to my spatula.
Toys popped off the platform that were simply spectacular.


With a twist of his wrist he cleared the build plate
Leaving naught but a warm bed of blue painters tape.
Then he loaded his sack on the back of his sleigh,
And away he did dash, with just this to say:

“My elves got too busy, a toy shortage was imminent,
I left you a gift to make up for the filament.”
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a new x-axis cable and shiny extruder gear.


An idler pulley too, and new teflon tubes,
A five volt regulator, z-axis arms, and silicone lube.
“Oh Santa” I said, “Now I’ll laugh ‘til I hurt,
All I wanted for Christmas was a Public Lab T-shirt!”


Get yours here!
Have a Merry Christmas,


Merry Christmas!

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This is adorable!

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