Public Lab Research note

L E A F F E S T 2013

by cfastie | August 29, 2013 04:01 29 Aug 04:01 | #9071 | #9071

Image above: I don't have any photos from the first week of September, so please interpolate between Late July (left) and early October (right). Thank you.

Some research notes with the tag LEAFFEST2013

We are getting a jump on the leaves this year, and LEAFFEST is happening NEXT WEEK. We are pleased to offer a full afternoon and evening of free public workshops by Chris Fastie, Ned Horning, Jeff Warren, and Don Blair on Saturday, September 7. These will focus on Infragram photography and quantitative pole aerial photography. But the event lasts all weekend, with related activities both days, and a home garden cookout and camping on Saturday night. Everyone is welcome. There will be plenty of opportunity for adding to the agenda, so come prepared to teach and learn.

Details of the workshops and logistics are here.

Please register so you can let us know which events you might be attending. Don't worry if your plans are tentative, so are ours. But it helps to have an idea of numbers. Use the form below, or go right to the event site: Eventbrite - LEAFFEST 2013 Contact me (cfastie) with questions at my gmail address.


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