Public Lab Research note

Join a Citizen Science + Climate Change Monitoring Project

by agentpesnot | August 03, 2022 02:07 03 Aug 02:07 | #34820 | #34820

Hey! I recently came across the Dream sensor and thought it might be of interest to the people in this community. It's a sensor to monitor greenhouse gases (GHGs). All the GHG data will be put on a map so that companies know exactly where to direct efforts to reduce GHG emissions, which reduces global warming.

It seems like a great way to monitor the air quality around me while helping a greater climate effort. I just submitted a reservation for a sensor - anyone interested in joining?

This is their link:


Hey @agentpesnot This looks like a great way to share and compare data and information from across many different regions. Do you know how long it takes after you reserve your sensor?

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