Public Lab Research note

MapKnitter map of Lipsi

by HaTran | August 02, 2016 07:57 02 Aug 07:57 | #13323 | #13323


This is a fabulous map, thanks for sharing. What are you documenting here? Is that a reef?

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Hi @warren.

I am working for an NGO, and currently, we are having a grand project on this bay. What I am trying to do, is to piece together the aerial drone images that we have taken for higher resolution aerial photos, so you can clearly see the black dots under water. Those are Posidonia Oceanica seagrass meadows, and we need the information of the distribution of Posidonia for our upcoming project, which we can't disclose as of now. I decided to use Mapknitter to create a geo tif file so that we later can work with other GIS applications.

The sun reflection on water is a bit too much, though. So i am still working around on how to solve that.

Cheers and thanks for your interest.

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Beautiful! Looking forward to hearing more about the seagrass and other water health issues.

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