Question: Does anybody know how to create a tide gauge or tide staff that students could use to monitor sea level?

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by ChristianWagley | March 15, 2021 22:26 | #25927

I'm in Pensacola, FL and looking to engage students on climate science as a way to help build support for climate action by our city government. There is a NOAA tide gauge on our downtown waterfront that has been measuring sea level since the mid-1920s, but I am looking for a way for students to do some daily monitoring of sea level as a way of learning about tides and then comparing their current readings to historic changes in sea level. I need to know what equipment we would need and how to install. Thanks!!!


What a great idea! I haven't built a tide gauge myself, but there's a series of posts on Public Lab about a water level monitor for a springhouse. Likely a smaller scale than the tides you're interested in but maybe provides some ideas?

There's also another approach using an ultrasonic sensor and arduino to detect the distance between the sensor and the sea surface level as it changes.

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