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Staff call notes 1 16 12

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Monday, January 16, 2011


  • Lumicon paper, schedule

Recent & Upcoming events

  • today: arduino basics at Liz House w/ shannon, Leif, Joe
  • Water quality hackathon (March 9-10)
  • EcoHack- late April- 22nd- Liz- everyone ok with it, need to ask Sara and Jeff- Liz wants to bring thermal camera and several other tools
  • Pachube OpenLayers Mash-Up (quantitative + qualitative data)
  • pachube + ushahiti, real cool. Lock-in to Pachube. - way to send data back to our archives
  • Talk to RJ- Mt- did set up API to download data- set up for our site and then gets sent to P


  • Kickstarter how to videos, need to finish and post early this week
  • filling, camera protector, flying
  • has a bunch of compiling to do- instructions, Stu and Mat did bottle test
  • Mathew drank green hawaiian punch in the name of science
  • Pat Coyle gave ideas about redoing the camera mount
  • Mat finishing up today- video of them flying and filling the balloon- want to redo it- these three together will be the basic set of how-tos
  • Should do a series of follow-ups, turn balloon kits into map- someone invested in mapmaking
  • Organize people by region- get people in contact- regional + web meet-ups, setting up camera, how to shoot and launch, get everyone ready to fly- how we’ll get images back to PLOTS- goal is ¾
  • How to get them involved...
  • Create nested Google group for kickstarter folks- track...
  • Followup- regional meetups + webinars
  • getting people’s equipment, images, back to PLOTS

  • CLOSE OF KICKSTARTER ----> go to our store

  • for Friday 1/21
  • First assignemnt for them- build crash cage- send five rubberbands, send with a thank you card
  • Example of “pop-up store” with short 3-day sale
  • Assignment!

Public Archive/Publications

  • Outlining and planning on oblique and ground photo schema for website on github
  • Flickr tagged group for each of the image sets



  • Finalize staff meeting time- longer staff meeting to show each other tools/skills- tools/skill exchange, 4-5 days, 2nd/3rd week of April- Earth Day no, Easter no- April 8th, Adam no first week of April-
  • Boston- rent out a house
  • NY if we wanted to do around EcoHack
  • Cocodrie, LA - for barn raising?
  • could do Oakland ++++++
  • Aim for 2nd week in April/Oakland- overlap with a weekend- Where 2012- April 2nd-4th, Where Camp Thursday and Friday before it- April 5-10th in Oakland
  • Workers comp problem
  • Whoops today is a holiday

Field work this week

  • Saturday 21st January - Asheville Area - Collaborative mapping with Watershed of the Tuckaseegee River looking for Cherokee fish weirs in area rivers. . (rain date is the 28th)
  • wine testing meetup, pirateship, wed