Public Lab Research note

Symbiosis, Mutualism, Parasitism, and Commensalism

by TheChessGym | September 07, 2022 13:32 07 Sep 13:32 | #34948 | #34948

The class was introduced to the themes of Symbiosis and symbiotic relationships that exist in our ecosystem. Their interest soared to see how different living organisms relate and rely of each other to thrive in their existence, The term "interdependence" described this balance of interaction that extends from species to species in all ecosystems. The lesson advanced upon this theme to breakdown the types of symbiotic relationships between species and their eventual impact on the ecosystem and environment. Mutualism is the relationship in symbiosis where both species benefit from the relationship as in that of the Tilapia fish, and Farm raised Catfish. Parasitism is a branch of symbiosis where one species may benefit from the relationship to the detriment of the other as in the case with dogs and fleas. Lastly, "commensalism" refers to the symbiosis relationship where only one species benefits exclusively but does not cause harm to the other species as in the case with some trees and insects that live on them. All of these relationships contribute to the welfare of each ecosystem and environment. Any interruptions of these relationships at even the smallest levels can adversely affect an ecosystem and an entire environment.


Farm raised catfish and tilapia can be raised together in captivity. Although for this to work one must be skilled in the art of polyculture fish farming or at least have proper guidance when attempting this method of fish farming. First off, the tilapia must be a bigger size than the catfish. This is so the catfish won't predate on the small growing tilapia. This way both the catfish and tilapia can coexist, and the catfish can serve as organic population regulators. The idea for this method is that Tilapia fish can breed in captivity. The catfish eat the young tilapia fish that are generated in the miniature ecosystem. The number of fish that must be stocked, both for tilapia and catfish, depends on the size of the fishpond that will be utilized for this purpose. In the meanwhile, a larger fishpond will help to prevent overcrowding and other issues that develop in fish farming as a result of insufficient space. The larger pond helps for both the tilapia and catfish to be raised together.

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The symbiosis relationship between farm raised catfish and tilapia is mutualism. Tilapia eats algae which can affect the taste of catfish. These algae can also be toxic to catfish. Tilapias tend to produce rapidly than catfish, but they can co-exist if Tilapia is later introduced when the farm raised catfish are more matured. Catfish can also be feed with Tilapia to reduce cost to some farmers, but the pond must be monitored regularly. The catfish can also act as a population control for tilapia hence maintaining the balance in the pond naturally.

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The relationship shared by farm-raised catfish and tilapia fish is a parasitic relationship. Catfish lay their eggs in tilapia territory, which causes tilapia to treat the catfish eggs as her own. The catfish egg hatches earlier than the tilapia eggs, and the baby catfish feeds on tilapia eggs. This makes the relationship beneficial for the catfish and harmful to the tilapia.

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Tilapia fish are a resource of protein for catfish. In the winter, that’s when tilapia fish are needed more for catfish because there are trying to build their egg supply up. Tilapia fish like to multiple quickly in the summer so the number of species should stay balanced. The catfish is benefiting from the tilapia, although the catfish isn’t a natural predator to tilapia fish, and they aren’t naturally searching for tilapia fish as protein. However, putting the two fish together can be harmful. In one article, it states that tilapia fish are bony and can harm smaller fish like the catfish. The relationship between the tilapia fish and the catfish is mutualism. In the article “Catfish, tilapia and grass carp environment-friendly”, Thompson fed the tilapia to the catfish. This relationship can be considered as parasitism because after all, the tilapia fish does die. To contradict the last statement, the catfish doesn’t latch onto the tilapia fish.

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The relationship that crawfish and tilapia is mutualism. The tilapia eats the algae that can make the crawfish sick. They both benefit from this because the tilapia will get some to eat, and the crawfish will stay healthy. Thy both benefit from this relationship.

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The relationship between Tilapia fish and farm raised Catfish is mutual. Tilapias are mid-level tank feeders while Catfish are bottom feeders. This means that the fishes will clean parts of the tank that the other wouldn’t creating a clean environment for both species. Tilapia and Catfish equally benefit from being in the same environment with one another. *Gianna Williams*

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Tilapia is an inexpensive, commonly consumed fish that is farmed all over the world. It is a lean source of protein that is also high in several vitamins and minerals, such as selenium, vitamin B12, niacin and potassium. What is Tilapia? It's a common myth that the species is “man-made”—but that couldn't be farther from the truth. While Tilapia is often raised in fish farms around the globe, the species is native to the Middle East and Africa. Where Does Tilapia Come From? Although tilapia hails from Africa, its surge in popularity has led to the development of commercial tilapia farms around the world. Over 135 countries, including the United States, produce farm-raised tilapia in indoor recirculating tanks, ponds, freshwater net pens, and raceways. Fish is one of the healthiest sources of protein, and tilapia is no exception. Tilapia is packed with vitamins and minerals like choline, niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium, and phosphorus. It is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that your body needs to function.

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Tilapia cleans after catfish. However, catfish predates on tilapia. Both can live in the same area if tilapia is introduced after the catfish have grown to a larger size. Both populations can coexist within an ecosystem or farm. Commensalism is the relationship between farm raised catfish and tilapia. Catfish benefits from tilapia, while the tilapia is neither helped nor harmed.

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There are three different types of symbiotic relationships in the animal kingdom: mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Mutualism meaning both partner’s benefit. An example of a mutualistic relationship between the catfish and the tilapia. Obligate symbiosis is a symbiotic relationship that both organisms need to survive. Catfish and Tilapia mutualistic relationship. This is because the cleaner fish eats harmful parasites and other small sources of food from the large fish. This gives the cleaner fish a meal, the larger fish is helped because it no longer has these parasites on them. Parasitism is a branch of symbiosis where one species benefits from the relationship to the detriment of the other as in the case with dogs and flees. An example of communalism is when tree frogs use plants as protection. All these relationships contribute to the welfare of each ecosystem and environment. Any interruptions of these relationships at even the smallest levels can adversely affect an ecosystem and an entire environment.

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Tilapia clean after catfish, however, catfish predate on tilapia. Both of these organisms can live in the same area/biome even if they were introduced after one another. Both organisms can live without the other and still strive. Catfish benefit from tilapia, but tilapia don't benefit from catftish.

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Catfish drop their eggs in tilapia territory when they go hunt. The tilapias assume those are their own eggs and pick them up in their mouths. Catfish eggs hatch earlier than cichlid eggs, and these juvenile catfish feed on the cichlid eggs, which is bad for the tilapia. But, when the catfish eggs hatch, they think the tilapia is their mother and she thinks that those are her children. Parasitic relationship because tilapia loose their eggs.

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What is Commensalism? Does this apply to all realms?

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