Public Lab Research note

Increasing Microplastic Pollutants, Diminishing Drinkable Water Sources, and People With No Access

by TheChessGym | April 25, 2022 15:24 25 Apr 15:24 | #30589 | #30589

During the introduction of our Environmental Science class to Microplastic Contamination, and our study of the water cycle, water as a resource, along with its location, conservation, and preservation, we recognized the world's dilemma. The Worldometer reflects that there are approximately (at the time of this post) 782,776,158 in the world with no access to a safe drinking water source. Couple this starling statistic with the intrusion of microplastic pollutants infiltrating every known space of air, land, and sea which should sound the alarm. Only about three percent of the planet's water is fresh/non-salt water and only approximately 1.2% of that is drinkable. Imagine Lake Clark located in Alaska that boasts of being a pure freshwater resource yet is not one that would allow for human consumption apart from treatment. Albeit, even our treated water sources now show evidence of microplastic pollutants. What does the future hold for what we define as "fresh", "safe" , and "drinkable" designations of water for human consumption. Will Microplastics force us to redefine these terms?


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