Public Lab Research note

Private Drinking Water Well

by TheChessGym | April 04, 2022 15:05 04 Apr 15:05 | #30253 | #30253

Obtaining Your Private Drinking Water Well

Amid all of the cutting-edge theory surrounding microplastics, pollutants, contaminants, and chemical wastes infiltrating our air, soil, food, bodies, and water, it behooves one to explore opportunities to obtain vital resources from places devoid of spoilage. Drinking water is a vital resource required by every living organism. However, scientists are discovering more and more water sources that have been contaminated by man-made pollutants and chemical wastes. Drawing from surface water sources compromises water quality as they are more frequently exposed to contamination and pollution than underground water sources. Hence, enter the resurgence of private underground drinking water wells. The wells complete with aquifers (porous rock and sediment that provides a natural filter for ground water) provide a much cleaner and healthier water resource than surface water resources.

Unfortunately, private drinking water-wells are costly and require that the owner provide constant monitoring, testing, and preserving of their water source. The owner must also secure and complete the application and permit to build the private well in addition to paying the extremely hefty price to construct one.

Albeit, the thought of cleaner drinking water free of pollutants sounds appealing, the maintenance, preservation of and maintenance of such a well is far more painstaking.


Private Drinking Water Well.

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In this area of Ohio many municipalities use water wells to serve the local cities. As the demand for the municipal water increases, private wells dry up. Meaning new wells need to be drilled ( an expensive task), usually much deeper than the original. Often, the deeper water will be of worse quality, requiring water treatment. And since the wells are deeper, the pumps are more expensive. This ballet could get more complicated with the cyanobacteria(a toxic bacteria ), often found in many water sources. This could put additional immediate demands on groundwater.

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