Public Lab Research note


by TheChessGym | February 18, 2022 16:04 18 Feb 16:04 | #30036 | #30036

Tell the story of a piece of plastic that you've found on the ground. Where was it made? What was it made for? How many times has it been used? Why is it on the ground and not in a landfill or being recycled?

This morning at approximately 6:10 am, I walked towards my vehicle and observed several neighbors trash cans set on the curbs awaiting pickup. Their lawns were neatly manicured and peaceful looking despite the stormy wind conditions the night before. However, there were several used plastic water bottles that littered the street curb area at several driveways the length of the block. This was obviously the result of someone not securing a receptacle used for recycling plastics. The water-bottles were the 16oz plastic drinking water bottles from the Kentwood Water Company that had already been used. The bottles were of the sort that are typically recycled thus there was no way to determine the number of times they had been used. The bottles will be collected and bagged for transport to the area plastic recycling company by the Belle Terre Homeowner's Association landscape group.


TheChessGym is Mr. Phillips who teaches the 3rd block Environmental Science class at the STEM MAGNET PROGRAM of St. John the Baptist Parish School District

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