Question: What are the most effective methods to monitor air quality if you live near a landfill?

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by amocorro | with denissebn_06 May 13, 2021 20:32 | #26576

What are ways someone could get started? Does the Public Lab community have suggestions on a free activity that someone could do?


Looking at formaldehyde, VOC, and ambient air levels. Chasing air pollution is challenging, these effects are transient and hard to capture. Large room for error if not strategic. A focused sampling effort for what you should be looking for helps when it comes to lab testing -- which is usually the most expensive factor besides time spent out in the field [collecting the samples]. Is recommendable to test almost every day and during an odor event. Practice in your backyard.

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The landfill should be situated far from the humans residence somehow if we able to measure the quality of air it should not work it because landfill must be generate the hazardous gases it can harmed us if live in the threshold range of a landfill.

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