Staff call notes 5 13 2011
Public Archive
- Backups:
- add the plots backup script to drndl cron
- stewart: ask about keeping copies of raw data in CA, actually just copies of all phases
- order another TB drive -- talk to Shannon, use Gulf Coast debit card
- PDF what needs to be done?
- data entry sheet/page
- maps page - overview map, then embedded viewer instead of thumbnail
- create records for all maps
- Jeff: focus on final poster, layout, and actual printing done
- add gdal commands info to wiki page, to document our gdal processes:
- GDAL: can we make a GeoTiff without using gdalwarp? add to gdal_translate, or just ping Mike Migurski?
- lots of obliques stitches, what to do with them?
- obliques displayed in Flickr, but linked to and displayed in Maps database
- obliques stored (backed up) in the archive directories for their respective sites
- Hunter, timelapse work?
Field work this week
- Barataria Bay monitoring with LUMCON
- Grand Isle - birds! A test for the Salt Lake project.
PLOTS website
- Added a Licenses page:
- online mapping party? learn to stitch?
- or just a real-world “party” to stitch a map quickly after it’s made. Maybe the same people as collected the images but not necessarily
Next staff meeting at 12:00 EST on Monday May 19th 2011