I'm surfing the web to find solutions to the underwater minimum range of gopro like cameras wifi signal.
I've found this two solutions.
- Lumica solution → http://www.newsshooter.com/2015/11/24/interbee-2015-lumica-underwater-wifi-extension-unit-for-action-cameras
- Double router solution → https://leatherback-rov.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/ok-im-finally-getting-around-to-writing.html
Thinking on reproducing the second one with two mini routers. Maybe using this one → https://www.amazon.com/GL-iNet-GL-MT300N-V2-Repeater-Performance-Compatible/dp/B073TSK26W/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1519488244&sr=8-3&keywords=mini+router
Just found this (GoPro only) for 90$ → http://www.eyeofmineactioncameras.com/Underwater_WiFi_View_by_Eye_Of_Mine_Action_Cameras_p/euwfv.htm
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Incoming minirouters to try a libre one aroud 70$ for any wifi camera ;D
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