LUMCON. Cocodrie, Louisiana (Kite)


29.25056994400751 N, -90.66183147359214 E


Ground resolution: 3.7 cm/px

Capture date: 2012-11-03T00:00:00

Publication date: 2012-12-14T00:00:00

License: Public Domain


29.25056994400751 N, -90.66183147359214 E


Ground resolution: 3.7 cm/px

Capture date: 2012-11-03T00:00:00

Publication date: 2012-12-14T00:00:00

License: Public Domain

This is follow up from our 2012 Barnraising session November 2-4, 2012 at LUMCON, Cocodrie, LA. Invite to add to the LUMCON, Cocodrie, LA map set in Knitter: While we will have the spectacular high altitude balloon flight map that Stewart Long made in Photoshop and Chris Fastie’s visible/IR/NRG/NDVI maps, those who flew the Delta with Canon A1200 shooting in continuous mode, and anyone else who’d like to play with it, are invited to use a subset of the flight images to make a related map in Knitter: Shared with participants via Dropbox. Special thanks to Don Blair, Alexandra Miller, and Jeffrey Goodman, who flew the rig (first flight for some, I think) and covered a good portion of the site. We shot for about an hour and captured over 2000 visible images. At some point in the flight, the camera shifted in the juice-bottle housing, so the edge of the housing shows in the images. I cropped the intrusive portion and include the better images in the selected set I make available to work with. Think of this as continuation of our emphasis on "doing stuff together" rather than just presenting/talking, collectively making another “related” map, using our toolkits, testing and using the tools and sharing back the results and lessons learned. In a sense, it could be viewed as a specific instance of Civic Cartography, as Stewart Long’s talk described it including: Sharing the map-stitching burden across volunteers, training new cartographers for Mapknitter, how we make Mapknitter more central to field work. It could also be viewed as a follow up to the sessions, Usability of the Balloon Mapping Toolkit, as part of the ways to improve the rate at which people share back their planning, mapping, and mapping outcomes; and Aerial mapping demonstration.


Cartographer notes


Cartographer notes


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