Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana


29.933161522177404 N, -88.82093792619138 E


Capture date: 2010-05-08T00:00:00

Publication date:

License: Public Domain


29.933161522177404 N, -88.82093792619138 E


Capture date: 2010-05-08T00:00:00

Publication date:

License: Public Domain

4000' AGL


This airplane flight, at approx. 4000 ft was donated by the Louisiana Environmental Action Network. A NOTAM, or Notice to Airmen, limited flights to a minimum altitude of 4000 ft.

Cartographer notes

Very wet, or foggy conditions made it very tough to get good imagery; the photos were very white and overexposed, but by using levels adjustments we were able to recover a great deal of useful imagery. I believe this was shot on a Pentax.


This airplane flight, at approx. 4000 ft was donated by the Louisiana Environmental Action Network. A NOTAM, or Notice to Airmen, limited flights to a minimum altitude of 4000 ft.

Cartographer notes

Very wet, or foggy conditions made it very tough to get good imagery; the photos were very white and overexposed, but by using levels adjustments we were able to recover a great deal of useful imagery. I believe this was shot on a Pentax.


i have new airplane shots 2 sept 2012

NOAA has coastal response georectified imagery

lots of sand everywhere, but i think the sea grass took a hit

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