Publiclab Blog

Translating project files using transifex

by sanchittechnogeek | about 8 years ago | 4 | 0

Hi Guys!

I am sanchit and today I am going to show you how you can translate some projects using transifex (

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Please follow the following steps!

1. Go to and signup for an account

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(i will skip step as I already have an account)

2. Login to your account. (as you can see I am already logged in)image description

3. Now you have to select a project which interests you and join the team to get the access to the files that you want to translate suppose from 'language A' to 'language B'.

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4. After going to the project page you have to click the 'JOIN TEAM' button.

5. As you can see you can select a language you want to translate to or request for a language.

6. After clicking the 'JOIN TEAM' button and selecting the language you will get a notification something like this

"our join request for the English (United Kingdom) (en_GB) language has been submitted. You will receive a notification upon acceptance or denial."


7. After your request to join the team is accepted, you can head over to your dashboard and start translating.

8. In my case the project/organisation is publiclab, I will show you a demo here how to translate the project files.

9. Click the button "Translate" which you can see on the top right-hand corner. You will get a drop-down menu to choose the languages, I will select Hindi as I had requested for it.

10. As you can see after selecting the languages you can see the list of files available for translation.

11. Click any one of them.

After selecting the file you will get some words which are needed to be translated.

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12. Now just click the words you want to translate and add the translated word in the right-hand text box.

13. After you have added the translated string you have to click the save button to save it. and you can move to the next word/string you want to translate.


repeat the same process as you go ahead translating more strings.

Here's the video tutorial!

So, this is how we can translate the files. It's quite easy and you can translate to any language you want.

Thank you! :)

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NIEHS podcast about Citizen Science

by sara | almost 11 years ago | 0 | 0

NIEHS podcast about Citizen Science

Following my recent talk at NIEHS (National Institute for Environmental Health Science) I was delighted to be asked to give a podcast about Citizen Science efforts. Here are the results:

It's great to see support and interest in Citizen Science coming from NIEHS. As a research agency they have made huge strides in our understanding of environmental health threats like endocrine disruptors and in supporting environmental justice and community engaged research. Their strategic plan goals are really worth an examination, as there are many possibilities for imagining how they might involve Civic Science projects. Oh I use the term Citizen Science in this podcast because it's all of 6 minutes and that just isn't long enough for a discussion about whether Citizen or Civic Science is a more appropriate term. I thought it best to take the time to describe a few projects and the potential they promise for rethinking science and how agencies might interact with public in much more tangible ways.

Other podcasts in this series that might interest Public Lab members are:

Breast Cancer and the Environment

Environmental Health in the Nail Salon

Impacts of Fracking

Native American Health and the Legacy of Mining

And there is a whole lot more here.

Here is a pdf of the podcast page Citizen_SciencePodcast.pdf

And a transcript of the conversation www.niehs.nih.gov_research_supported_dert_programs_peph_podcasts_citizen_science_citizen_science_transcript_508.pdf

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