Shenandoah Valley

* Hosted by Andy Guest State Park over the weekend of 21-22 JUL 2012 * Coordinated by Denizen Media and the Public Laboratory This workshop represents the launching of a Shenandoah River image mapping project by Denizen Media and its director, Beverly Pearce. She has kits for loan and invites collaborations. Please contact her at beverly at denizenmedia dot org and see progress on the project here: All overhead images from the weekend are available from here: Day 1 - Proof of concept: Beverly and Adam floated a short section of the Shenandoah River from Brown Cabin to the canoe launch in the park. Day 2: In the AM, Bill and Rex successfully converted a Canon A490 each using the PLOTS video posted on the IR page. In the afternoon, Bill and Gayle collected imagery from land. Alan, Beverly, and John collected VIS aerial imagery on the river between Brown Cabin and the canoe launch in the park. Rex, Bill, and Adam collected VIS and IR imagery on the river between the low water bridge and Brown Cabin. Day 3: We spent two hours building maps in MapKnitter, contrasting methods in Microsoft ICE and Photoshop, and discussing the general mapping concepts. A couple of more hours were spent sending GoPros and some obliquely mounted cameras. Attendees * Gayle Corrado * Bill Howard * Charlie Newton * Jeff Kelble * Alan Lehman * Adam Griffith * Beverly Pearce * Rex Pearce * John Waugh * Jessie - Americorps Park volunteer * Jennifer Saik - park liason Map: Low Water Bridge, Shenandoah River. Bentonville, Virginia Map: Shenandoah River. Bentonville, Virginia ...

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