staff call notes 11 7 2011
7 voting staff present
- thermal camera - Liz + Sara? meet at a hacker space? Discuss Liz's embarrassment about going to NYC Resistor and asking for help while trying to introduce Public Laboratory as awesome. Leif could alleviate this but he’s clearly busy.
November workday in NYC. 19 is happening, any other day? Or should I come up to pirateship in Boston? shannon sara and jeff will be around on the 19th/20th in boston---what about a jeff/sara/liz hack day on the 20th in boston? I think that could be really cool.
Completely separate Rio thing (jeff)) - connect with CEDAPS. Liz lead and jeff seconds.
- need to do poster printing, or make progress on that front this week
- Rifle, Co, OccupyOakland, Boulder community garden
- make page on printing, compare Lulu and Adam’s printing prices
Plan hack session in louisana H2S- 2nd or 3rd week in december Cocodrie
PLOTS website collaborations
- Spectral workbench collaborations
Recent & Upcoming events
- Montreal show and talks
- “Where’d all that shit come from?” at this weekend’s #EcoHackNYC
- do we want to co-sponsor? partner? get funding? Sometime in the next 6 months.
- Eye on Earth Summit - thank you for videos and call for more- get things online by Thanksgiving
- Barataria map production this week,
- Grant writing due/Need letters of recommendation, etc. due by Dec. 15th
Figure out roles. then figure out people.
VOSS (Jan 12th/13th)
virtual organizations as sociotechnical systems- Virtual
NSF (Jan 11th) informal science
Public Archive/Web
- Can we talk about GMF and direction to take with this (per Shannon/Mathew email) how does the potential of harnessing GMF as a retail/artistic piece relate to the need to get maps distributed in the Gulf Coast and other mapping communities. ?
- how does this meet our advocacy goals in the gulf coast? how can the maps be used to promote advocacy? raises larger question of timeline in gulf.
- back/front gulf spill/protest mapping?
- cut edge, no “newsprint” look.
- 2.50, 24x34
- can do plots (bright white paper, sometime dye colors are oversaturated but OK) for 4.49, 34x44!
- price out poster tube shipping.
Can we fit text and make it single-sided?
- how it can be useful, cartographer’s notes,
11”x17” contextualization + map, newsletter
- mobile touch screen phones are problematic in the field
- November 11th off
- Marco - sysadmin for mediamatic in the netherlands