Video spectrometer calibration
We're developing several approaches to calibrating your video spectrometer.
Compact Fluorescent bulbs
(copied from Dave Haffner's email)
The CFL spectra seems like a good bet for doing spectral calibration of some sort. I think we just need to standardize the make and model. Looks like there is some significant differences in the spectrum of just a few bulks this person bought at the store
It would be worth a survey to find a bulb model that is useful for this task spectra-wise, and one the manufacturer can share a decent spectrum for in their specs. Of course cheap and widely available is important too.
It also occured to me that once we find a good bulb, we could that THE BULB into a lab and measure it's spectrum precisely. Then this spectrum could be used as a reference to calibrate the instruments.
Developing a spectral library of calibrated bulb spectra
- marking/tagging some as "calibrated" if they've been tested on other equipment?