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Staff call notes 11-14-2011

This is a revision from November 18, 2011 20:05. View all revisions
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Monday, November 14, 2011

Liz, Mathew, Stewart, Jeff present


  • Mathew on way home from Butte, worked with possible site coordinator
    • Talk on Fri night in Butte, Sat workshop kite flight in cold weather, Centerville imagery
  • Stewart continuing Barataria Bay work early this week, start publishing those maps this week, need to collaborate with Adam/Jeff/Shannon on locating some of the 2011/5/10 sites.
  • RETAIL, behind schedule, but important considerations right now. goal to have kickstarter before thanksgiving
  • Jeff in Montreal, roomba light changing , MaxMSP program uses web camp to form a long-exposure photograph in stead of hacking an expensive camera.

Recent & Upcoming events

  • Nov 20 NYC workshop (Williamburg/Gowanus weather depending)
    • KITE materials: newest delta uses whole culm bamboo - garden stakes, 60” mailing tube fits the collapsible delta design that expands to 9’. 5mph+ can carry a tiny camera. Mat will send plans. hardware store = tyvek tape, no grommets anymore.
  • Liz got in touch with Ives at CEDAPS, Rio about December hacker event. not confirmed but should be good.


  • NSF
  • Retail notes from last week: community distribution model. how can people order any map for $25 or $35 and they get it printed to order, flat or poster? Use the GMForum as art object, way to keep in touch with members and sponsors, could think about 12”x18” format 12 times a year that could fold down to envelope size.
  • Kickstarter (Jeff to contact), along with Tshirts up on BreadPig for pre-order.
  • Spectrometer also being sold in Parts and Crafts network. Amplifier is fulfillment group. Need to talk more about this partnership later.

Public Archive/Web

  • mailing list - Liz still has some emails to go out from last week. especially regarding open source and accessible.
    • Idea 1: if some one proposes doing something with a highly technical tool, ask them to document it publicly so that others can do it or so others can iterate other methods and achieve same accuracy.
    • Idea 2: if some one does something in open source, ask them to document so that it becomes also accessible.
    • Idea 3: data credibility and methodological credibility. ask people to enumerate what industry standards are and what would make the data and tools credible in their eyes.
  • website - new feature by Jeff: for “related posts” linked at sides of all Updates / Research notes.