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Publication, presentation and grant planning

This is a revision from February 22, 2011 19:18. View all revisions
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<dme:context type='node' cid='51' />Here is a list of all the publications and presentations we're writing for, deadlines, and who's in charge of each:


(for completed or past writing, see

Shpilman Institute for Photography

March 1st 2011 -- Jeff is lead for this

Grants for individuals and group research will range from US $5,000 up to $15,000. The core is a 500-word research abstract.

Google Summer of Code

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source software projects....over a three month period. Since 2005, the program has brought together over 4,500 students and more than more than 4,000 mentors & co-mentors from over 85 countries worldwide, all for the love of code.

Through Google Summer of Code, accepted student applicants are paired with a mentor or mentors from the participating projects, thus gaining exposure to real-world software development scenarios and the opportunity for employment in areas related to their academic pursuits. In turn, the participating projects are able to more easily identify and bring in new developers. Best of all, more source code is created and released for the use and benefit of all.

VISUALIZAR'11: Understanding Infrastructures

Call for Projects and Papers Deadline: March 21, 2011 Call for collaborators: April 11, 2011 Dates of the workshop: June 14 through July 1, 2011

Medialab-Prado and EOI Business School call for projects and papers that will investigate, analyze and represent through data the running of infrastractures and global systems. Selected projects will be collaboratively developed during the Visualizar'11: Understanding infrastructures workshop, that will be held in Madrid from June 16 to July 1, 2011.

Papers will be publicly presented during the previous international seminar on June 14 and 15, 2011.

Possible topics:

  • Energy infrastructures. Power grids, gas and oil distribution networks, renewable energy production networks…
  • Transport infrastructures. Aerial and sea routes, road and rail networks, urban mobility networks…
  • Information infrastructures. Radio and TV broadcasting, data networks, communications satellites, underwater cables, wireless urban networks, terrestrial and mobile telephony.
  • Supply chain infrastracture. Processes and systems of the agro-alimentary production, goods and products distribution networks…
  • Removal Chain. Waste collection systems, treatment plants, recycling processes…
  • Economy and financial infrastructures. Banks, trade zones, processes and agents of the financial markets…
  • Legal infrastructures. International agreements, regulation bodies, territory regulation plans… (See the list of related links and references)

Medialab-Prado’s Visualizar program is a research and education platform devoted to exploring the culture of Big Data and its impact today in science, society and the arts.

Each Visualizar edition includes an intensive project development workshop, a conference, educational activities open to the public and the exhibition of the developed projects.

Those interested may apply until March 21 through the online form available at

PlanningTech@DUSP conference at MIT

April 8 2011 (paper deadline 2 weeks earlier)

A half-day conference on urban planning and technology

FOSS4G - Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial, Denver

Sept. 12-16, 2011

Sessions will run in seven concurrent tracks with space for around 135 presentations in both a regular program and an academic program. Presentations will either fill 30-minute slots with time for questions or 5-minute lightning talks. Proposals can be submitted online at

2011 Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis Conference

May 6-7: "Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground" - Jeff is lead

Upcoming but not yet committed to

JustMeans Citizens' Choice Award For Social And Environmental Innovation

Due March 1st 2011

Award is to be featured in USA Today. This doesn't seem that attractive. We could probably get featured in USA Today anyways.

Due dates:

Princeton Conference on Environmental Politics

Research Frontiers in Comparative and International Environmental Politics

Call for Papers - deadline March 15, 2011

Princeton University, December 2-3, 2011 Sponsored by Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Dear Colleagues, We are organizing a conference on Environmental Politics at the Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University on December 2-3, 2011. The conference aims at connecting research communities across continents, presenting cutting-edge research in environmental politics, and identifying future research directions in comparative and international environmental politics. The steering committee will also identify a subset of selected papers for a special issue in a major political science journal. Editors of key political science journals are likely to attend the conference.

Agenda and Rationale

We are particularly interested in proposals that study environmental politics from an international or comparative political economy perspective. Traditionally, IR scholars have emphasized the role of international factors (international regimes, trade, FDI, epistemic communities, IGOs and INGOs) while the comparativists have focused on domestic variables (domestic political institutions, partisanship, economic variables, interest group pressures) to explain environmental policy outputs and outcomes. This conference invites leading scholars to systemically examine the roles of domestic and international factors alone or in interaction to develop more nuanced models of environmental politics across space and time. Some of the broad research areas and questions include (but not limited to):

  • Environmental politics in authoritarian states,
  • Effects of political and economic transitions on the natural environment,
  • The role of citizen preferences and civil society on environmental policy choices,
  • The role of international networks --- e.g., trade, FDI, IGO, NGO --- on environmental policy choices,
  • The effectiveness of voluntary regulations and new forms of governance on environmental policy outcomes,
  • Agenda setting in domestic and global environmental politics.

Expenses Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance has generously offered to cover economy class travel and lodging for paper presenters.

Time Lines

Please email your paper proposal (one page max) to The proposal submission deadline is March 15, 2011. The steering committee will notify authors of selected papers by May 1, 2011. Best regards, Steering Committee Xun Cao, University of Essex ( Helen Milner, Princeton University (hmilner@Princeton.EDU) Aseem Prakash, University of Washington, Seattle ( Hugh Ward, University of Essex (

2011 CARE Request for Proposals

March 22, 2011, 4 p.m. EST EPA Community Action for a Renewed Environment; $75,000 to $100,000 for Level 1 Link to grant site more information

The Fund for Wild Nature

Feb 1, May 1, Sept 1

  • funds the "development of citizen science" and favor small groups with ob's under 250k
  • give small grants, $1-5k

i3: Investing in Innovation - Dept of Education

2011 not announced yet, but 2010 was opened at beginning of March 2010. It was due in mid-May, and awarded in September.

Grants of $5m (Development), $30 (Validation), and $50 (Scale-up)

Good overview of 2010 process:

for, according to ED: "supporting effective teachers and principals; improving the use of data to accelerate student achievement; complementing the implementation of standards and assessments that prepare students for success in college and careers; and turning around persistently low-performing schools."

four other priorities that will enhance an applicant's ability to receive funding: "improving outcomes for young children; expanding students' access to college and preparing them for success in college; addressing the unique needs of students with disabilities and of limited English proficient students; and serving schools in rural areas."

Grant recipients will be required to match 20 percent of their awards themselves or via investment from the private sector.

Summary of the characteristics of the 2010 Highest-Rated Applicants

...provides funding to support (1) local educational agencies (LEAs), and (2) nonprofit organizations in partnership with (a) one or more LEAs or (b) a consortium of schools.

The Investing in Innovation Fund, a part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, provides competitive grants designed to encourage programs that improve student achievement, student retention, student graduation rates, and teacher/administrator effectiveness. To this end, applications are being accepted by local school districts, groups of school districts, and non-profits working with groups of schools or whole districts.