Public Lab Wiki documentation

Publication and grant planning

This is a revision from January 22, 2011 02:19. View all revisions
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<dme:context type='node' cid='51' />Here is a list of all the publications and presentations we're writing for, deadlines, and who's in charge of each:

Proposal to C4 for March summit meeting

2 paragraphs, ASAP

Seed Magazine map exhibition

only 200 words, due 31st Jan 2011

Shpilman Institute for Photography

March 1st 2011 -- Jeff is lead for this

Grants for individuals and group research will range from US $5,000 up to $15,000. The core is a 500-word research abstract.

PlanningTech@DUSP conference at MIT

April 8 2011 (paper deadline 2 weeks earlier)

A half-day conference on urban planning and technology

Upcoming but not yet committed to

The Dauphin Island Sea Lab Request for Proposals

Feb 4, 2011 - $5000-20,000

Must apply to at least one of the Gulf of Mexico Alliance Priority Issues: Water Quality for Healthy Beaches and Shellfish Beds; Habitat Conservation and Restoration; Ecosystem Integration and Assessment; Reducing Nutrient Inputs to Coastal Ecosystems; Coastal Community Resilience; and Environmental Education (this last not eligible)

Priority Funding Areas • Build awareness and increase outreach regarding environmental issues of GOMA * Increase access to environmental education programs * Communicate and/or disseminate scientific information to the public * Utilize technology in environmental education or for full details.

JustMeans Citizens' Choice Award For Social And Environmental Innovation

Due March 1st 2011

Award is to be featured in USA Today. This doesn't seem that attractive. We could probably get featured in USA Today anyways.

Due dates:

2011 CARE Request for Proposals

March 22, 2011, 4 p.m. EST EPA Community Action for a Renewed Environment; $75,000 to $100,000 for Level 1 Link to grant site more information