Infragram convertible cameras
A page listing cameras which can be converted for near-infrared, and requests for photos/documentation of cameras to be converted.
Cameras which are easy to convert and work well:
Canons usually convert easily and are a favorite:
- Canon A490 or A495 (see conversion on YouTube) (~$50, 10 megapixel)
- Canon A1200
- Canon A2200
- Canon A810: The IR block filter removal went smoothly and was successful even though I had never opened up a camera before. Its 16 megapixels is more than you really need.
Canon A800 It was really straight forward like the other cameras.
list cameras here
- Logitech C270
- SYBA CAM63014 (shows removal, but not filter placement, but that's an easy next step)
- Creative Notebook Live webcam
Sanm webcam module: Really easy except that the lens is tiny.
list cameras here
Cameras which can be converted although it may not be ideal (please state why!)
- list cameras here
Cameras which have not yet been converted -- if you've done it, please move it up!
This video, listed above, shows the removal of a filter on a Canon A495, but then shows a film negative filter taped to the front. For Infragram conversions, we recommend you put the Infragram filter inside the camera -- exactly where the IR-block filter used to be.