Public Lab Wiki documentation


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2 | 12 | | #27636

This is a resources collecting page for Hurricane Ida response; we are not an emergency service provider, but non-emergency questions, requests, inquiries, report-ins, offers of help or capacity are welcome. We are also maintaining a list of places to donate to.

What is this page?

The purpose of this page is to amplify requests emerging from local community organizations, especially those that work with communities that are bearing the burden of the storm more than others, and many of whom primarily coordinate over the phone or through Facebook groups. is the primary online hub for response efforts

If there are other efforts with similar aims, we don't want to duplicate or draw capacity away from them. Likewise, if other efforts are aimed at a different group (say, technologists, or professional crisis responders) and take a different approach, we want to do our best to interconnect with them, but also recognize that there may still be a need for this page.

Posting asks + offers

We are happy to feature report-ins from folks involved in Ida response on this page -- you can post them here. If there are specific asks or offers, what works best is to break those out as concrete questions, such as:

  • we need help with X?
  • does anyone need X?

That way we can get people connected up, whether they want to pitch in or they have information you need.


Please consider communities that are bearing the burden of the storm more than others!

Also see:


Please post questions (requests and/or asking if your offer of capacity is needed) relevant to Ida here:

Title Author Updated Likes Comments
Nothing yet on the topic "ida" -- be the first to post something!

Project requests

  • In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, we hosted a couple projects related to environmental monitoring and reporting. Keep in touch by following the tag Ida for updates. If questions or projects from people on the ground emerge on Public Lab, we will post updates on them here and you will get updates by following this tag.

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Help organize this content! We're drafting new content/revisions for this page on the Talk page, at

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lead image from The Weather Channel