
This tool development project should lead to a visible spectrometer suitable for use in education. The detector could be used in other configurations to measure from the UV to the near IR. The ADC has 12 bit resolution so intensity data can be read to 4095 steps. The design is based on a 3D printed spectrometer described by @BHickman. The effort to update the original design is being led by @JSummers, and you are welcome to join in! Early Public Lab Research Notes by BHickman:[3D Printed Spectrometer](https://publiclab.org/notes/bhickman/08-27-2014/3d-printed-ccd-spectrometer-wheetrometer-3-0). [Wheetrometer 2](https://publiclab.org/notes/bhickman/04-21-2014/wheetrometer-2-0). [Original Note](https://publiclab.org/notes/bhickman/10-12-2013/ccd-diodearray-spectrometer). [notes:wheetrometer]...

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