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stevie "here is one from @Pat that came in Via email: In Wisconsin, responsibility for reclamation lies with the Land Conservation Dept. and the Director ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
stevie "Thanks @ekpeterman! @pat and @dswenson- I know reclamation is something you all have been on a lot recently, do you have any thoughts on accounta..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
stevie "Yes! You can read about NPDES permit exemptions on this page "There are highly consequential exemptions listed in Section 402(l) of the Clean Wate..." | Read more » over 7 years ago
stevie "You can read about this on the NPDES wiki here. "There are two kinds of permits issued under NPDES: individual and general. Individual permits are..." | Read more » over 7 years ago