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queenj303 "1- Fat soluble, toxic pollutants can adsorb to microplastics. When these plastics are consumed, toxic pollutants can accrue in fat and become bioma..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
queenj303 "The video I watched in class gave some insight on how Public Labs started. After the 2010 oil spill people in the community came together to learn ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
queenj303 "Jedah Tanner- 3/11/22 Collecting microplastics was more interesting than I expected. I mostly saw plastic bottles, food wrappers, foam cups, wood, ..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
queenj303 "I thought today's video was rather informative because it gave an in depth look into how nanoplastics enter the body and where they would reside. I..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
queenj303 "Today, I learned that microplastics the size of of a strand of hair can be lodged in the most vital organs that clean out the blood (liver, kidneys..." | Read more » over 2 years ago
queenj303 "Microplastics extremely small pieces of plastic debris in the environment resulting from the disposal and breakdown of consumer products and indust..." | Read more » over 2 years ago