Public Lab Research note

Last week in Google Summer of Code

by warren | August 02, 2016 15:26 02 Aug 15:26 | #13324 | #13324

Getting into the final stretch of Google Summer of Code (#gsoc) -- less than a month remains for students to finish up their projects. We had a great Google Hangouts meetup last week and it was a pleasure to meet people and talk a bit!

We're starting to think about documentation, and about leaving plenty of "starting points" using help-wanted-tagged issues (read more here) so that others can pick up where we've left off.


Ujitha Perera (@Ujitha) writes of the Advanced Search project, which he's working on with @david-days:

Last week I improved Advanced search page with more search results. This week I'm hoping to clarify few implementation issues about solr and its behaviours through the community and find possible alternatives or good answers with the help of David. And then hope to apply those solutions to the project.

Ananyo Maiti (@ananyo2012) writes of the Question and Answer project:

This week I primarily worked on the modified views and listing for User profile and Q & A pages. Details on this can be found in the Pull request #628. I also posted a research note on the Progress of my project on I hope that I can complete all the feature requests within this week and for the last week I will try to do some work on the Publiclab Rich Editor. If I miss any feature proposed within this time I will make it a help-wanted issue tagged with an enhancement label.

Richard Meister (@rmeister) writes of the WebJack project:

I've prepared webjack for use with Firmata and implemented a first version of 'webjack-firmata' (

Jitesh Jha (@jiteshxyz) writes of the Internationalization project:

This week, I have extended translation support to User(sign up/login/profile/tags/etc) views, opened an Open Source account on Transifex for translations and I am going to write up a Internationalization How-To page in a couple of days.


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