Question: how can Air pollution damage the environment?

trenity_stewart is asking a question about general
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by trenity_stewart | April 27, 2021 19:06 | #26369

Air pollution can damagecrops and trees in a variety of ways. Ground-level ozone canlead toreductions in agricultural crop and commercial forest yields, reduced growth and suitabilityof tree seedlings, and increased plant susceptibility todisease, pests and other environmentalstresses (such as harsh weather).


It can damage the environment, because it damages the air and it can negatively affect the living organisms in the community, such as animals, humans and plants, and even bugs. These things are being affected, because in the course of life we have a specific order, and if this order is interrupted in any way it can affect us all.

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Air pollution can damage the environment so much so that it would be hard for people to breathe and live their everyday lives. Like even if Covid was never a thing, the people living in a place with horrible air pollution would have to wear masks.

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Air pollution would make it hard for people to breathe and live their lives and it would be hard for the animals as well.

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