Public Lab Research note

New Orleans Training: DIY Aerial Photography and Mapping

by stevie | January 12, 2015 20:29 12 Jan 20:29 | #11518 | #11518

Aerial images, taken where you need them, when you need them, are powerful tools! Imagine being able to gather your own aerial images and build your own maps. With Public Lab's DIY aerial mapping tools you can! Learn how, Saturday, February 21st at Public Lab's training on DIY Aerial Photography and Mapping.

You will:

-Learn three different techniques to collecting aerial images using balloons, kites and poles,
-Use and explore with the Public Lab Infragram, collecting aerial near infrarred images, and
-Build your own maps with images you collect using Public Lab's Open Source

Join us:

Saturday, February 21st 11:00-4:30pm at the Rosa F. Keller Library (meet us around the back in the open court yard)

_Be sure to bring comfortable walking shoes as we will go outside to map! _

This event is on 02-21-2015 iCal

Please log in to RSVP 7 people will attend


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Good thinking

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