Public Lab Research note

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Outreachy proposal: Comment Editor Overhaul Project

by nwokichaamarachi | October 30, 2020 12:51 30 Oct 12:51 | #24875 | #24875

(This template is for students applying to summer code programs with Public Lab. Use this link to start writing a post:,soc-2019,soc-2019-proposals You can delete this line once you've started filling it out.)

About me

Name: Nwokocha Amarachi


Github Handle:

Location: Nigeria

Timezone: GMT+1

Affiliation (organization/school -- optional!)

Location: (generally where you are, no exact locations please!)

Project description

This project aims at improving the comment editor of the Public Lab website, finding bugs, and making the comment editor consistent with all the screen sizes. The code of the comment editor is quite complicated, and redundant, therefore these redundancies need to be removed, and code needs to be refined so that it is easy to maintain and understand.

Abstract/summary (<20 words):


  • comment
  • comment response
  • question comment


1st Dec -7th Dec: Getting acquainted with the software and community.

The remaining weeks is grouped into 4 project phases

Phase 1: System test on comments across variants

8th Dec -14th Dec: tests on Question Editor

15th Dec - 21st Dec: tests on Research note editor

22nd Dec - 28th Dec: tests on Wiki editor

Phase 2: System test on comment responses across variants

29th Dec - 4th Jan: tests on Question Editor

5th Jan -11th Jan: tests on Research note editor

12th Jan - 18th Jan: tests on Wiki editor

Phase 3: System test on question comments across variants

19th Jan - 25th Jan: tests on Question Editor

26th Jan -1st Feb: tests on Research note editor

2nd Feb - 8th Feb: _tests on Wiki editor

Phase 4: System test on question comment responses across variants

9th Feb - 15th Feb: tests on Question Editor

16th Feb - 22nd Feb: tests on Research note editor

23rd Feb - 1st March: tests on Wiki editor


First-time contribution

I have made 3 contributions on the plot 2 repository 1 is merged while 2 are still open t


I started as a self taught developer, interned at SheHacks Africa and Hng, after the internships I continued with my personal learning and joined IGhub netprenureship programs, my core stacks are HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript.


At SheHacks Africa, interns were grouped into teams, each team had to peach a project and business model at the end of the program. as one of the team leads I had to get my team organized and ensured we had a project and business model. at IGhub internship we worked in teams to build projects.


What attracts me to this project, is the positive environmental impact achieved through open technology


By creating awareness about our environmental challenges and proffering solutions to these problems, I wish to enlighten people about these problems and how we can use technology to proffer fitting solutions to these problems


_i have cleared my schedule to be free for the duration of this project in order to give it my maximum concentration and commitment _


Hi @nwokichaamarachi , it would be good if you could include more on the approach you plan to take.... pseudo code, data flow, mockups screenshots of any existing bugs you have seen or even libraries/tools you will use would help. Also on the timeline you maybe you could bold the phases headings or make them them h3 or h4 headers. Is it just me or does using italics makes it seems as if they are not important parts of the timeline?
Thanks for posting

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Hey @nwokichaamarachi

I agree with Cess. It would be good to see some of the bugs/issues you might have discovered in the comment editor or what would be your approach to solving the existing bugs.

You're doing great. Just try to be a little more descriptive.

Good Luck!

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