Public Lab Research note

Hypr3D: Online Structure from Motion

by ncraig | November 03, 2011 17:37 03 Nov 17:37 | #540 | #540

Hypr3D is a web service that permits the computation, display, and download of dense 3D models based on a set of photographs. I have tested the system with KAP images and found that the system produced good results. Models can be displayed online using their interface, or models can be downloaded for view and manipulation in packages like MeshLab. Hypr3D may serve as a no-cost alternative to commercial applications like AgiSoft's PhotoScan.

Here is one example of a model generated by means of Hypr3D. The subject is Pampa de las Llamas, an Initial Period archaeological site in the Casma Valley of Peru. KAP and structure from motion photogrammetry were used to quickly (30 minute flight) generate a high resolution (234,067 points) model of the site for the purposes of research and conservation. By employing a free service like Hypr3D, individuals on a limited budget can also participate in high resolution archaeological documentation. To capture the images, a Canon S90 camera was lifted by a Fled kite.


Thanks for the post Nathan - we are steadily adding new features/functionality to hypr3D every week, so if you there is something else you and the KAP community would like to see, let us know.

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