Public Lab Research note

Baffle for Spectrometer 3.0

by ke4rjg | March 17, 2015 16:24 17 Mar 16:24 | #11685 | #11685

Sometimes, scattered light can degrade the contrast of the spectrum, particularly if you are observing a very bright source.

To minimize this, I made a papercraft baffle for Spectrometer 3.0. Just print out the attached pdf file. Cut it out, assemble it, then attach it to the bench with the leftover Velcro.

I think this should be added to the spectrometer kit.



Hi, Forrest -- looks like your main image didn't work -- actually the site can't convert a PDF into a lead image, but if you'd like, I could screenshot the PDF's lead image and upload that (I'm an admin) -- or you could do it yourself.

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Hi, Forrest - I went ahead and fixed the lead image -- I hope that's OK!!

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we'll add this to the next print run of kits! thanks, Forrest.

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