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ghk engine ndvi analysis

by ghk | July 21, 2014 19:53 21 Jul 19:53 | #10941 | #10941


What I want to do

My attempt and results

Questions and next steps

Why I'm interested


Hi! Welcome -- so, what's going on here? Looks like interesting new Infragram software?

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Hello Warren. Yes, we did many enhancements since our last post. Particularly, we developped bus itfces (i2c, spi) to get better results (not depending on the master clock.) That is for CO2, hygro, ir, temp sensors. Regarding "live infragram", we added a true C websocket server on the Rasp PI side so to retrieve the video and derive the NDVI realtime from the stream.
We also noticed that adding a "sigmoïdal contrast" -- which is a "dynamic color scale" -- would permit a better vision of the plant's health.

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Look good, any other notes, wiki webpage.

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