Public Lab Research note

Comparing Data Visualization Tools

by fongvania | November 15, 2021 18:36 15 Nov 18:36 | #28118 | #28118

Once you have collected and cleaned data and want to explore trends, identify data quality issues, and communicate findings, it's often a good idea to generate graphs to visualize the data. The table linked below has a list of free online and desktop tools that require no coding to convert text or spreadsheets to graphs!

Data Viz Tool Comparison

This research note on Environmental data management & analysis tools also has a great comparison of other tools not listed.

Feel free to add to the spreadsheet (rows and columns) with helpful tools you've come across. One request when you do add rows is to spend a few minutes testing out the tool and to fill out as many of the cells as you can. Remember that the goal is not necessarily to have as many rows as possible, but to have a curated list of tools that are easy-to-use and can serve diverse use cases.


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