Public Lab Research note

Expanded Rich Wikis

by bansal_sidharth2996 | March 23, 2017 12:55 23 Mar 12:55 | #14051 | #14051

Name: Sidharth Bansal

Location (where you are): New Delhi, India (GMT +5:30)

Linked-In Profile :

IRC nick: Sidharth


Project(s) you're working on or want

Project title:Expanded Rich Wikis for




(<20 words)

Enhancing advanced features and capabilities for the Research Notes such as spreadsheets, maps, documents ,power tags ,etc. to improve User Experience.

Describe the need your project fulfils:

Open data projects rely on volunteers to gather data. Generally, the more data the better conclusions can be drawn. The barrier to contribute to a project needs to be lowered. This projects approach is to reduce the barrier by giving more capabilities to the research notes so that the user can propose their work in a better way by providing spreadsheets, maps, forms etc.

How will your project meet this need

The Project fulfils all these issues by creating different categories or templates for different sections such as proposal, event ,meet up, query, help, request ,scholar notes , reports and much more. These different section would be having capabilities of using Google documents , spreadsheets, maps, form generators (like Google forms) etc.


  • Creating a Help section with three fields query , suggestion and contribute.
  • Creating a report page .
  • Creating proposal page.
  • Creating a meet-up page with registration form for meetup.
  • Creating a Scholar notes page for Information based articles.
  • Adding more power tags and other functionality for more user interactivity .

Setting up of proposal page.



Community Bonding Period( Before 30th May)

  • Get familiar with drupal.
  • Getting more in touch with the mentor.
  • Get more familiar with the codebase of plots2
  • Read documentation on various gems we will be going to use and the existing ones.
  • Discuss ideas with Mentors and interact with them.
  • Working on fixing the bugs so that I gain more experience and contribute more towards the Project.
  • Completing The Odin Project as mentioned on to learn more about RoR.
  • Discussing more about the project with the mentor.

Phase 1 - Create Meet-up section (30thMay -- 15th June)

This section will compromise of date, time and venue for the meet-up which the organizer will set up .Organizer will also set up information related to the meet-up. In addition , it will supply a form , which who want to attend the conference or meet-up can fill in. There would also be maps for the ease of the participants of the meet-up.

In addition to it, the user who would be filling the form has to authenticate and authorize themselves via sign up etc.

30th May and 5th June creating the models, controllers ,routes and views for the proposal page.

5th-10th Creating the Registration form for the user to login and register for the event or meet up.

11th-15th Creating the relationship between the registration form and the user who has logged in the public labs so that he or she doesn't have to give much details. Also creating the tests related to it.

**Phase 2 -**Create a proposal section: (15th June - 19th June)

In this section , the user would be able to draft a proposal having the adequate details of the proposal. Eg. What is the main agenda of the proposal or the issue on which the organization want to work upon and how will the organization handle that issue.How people will be benefited by the proposal .What are the requirements of the set up needed.Current status of the project about which proposal is and many others .These would be the different fields in the proposal section.

Mid-term Evaluation Period(20th June - 28th June)

This time will be utilized to fix any bugs and submitting evaluations.

**Phase 3 -**Create an Reports section : (29th June -- 14th July)

This section will be related to the reports of events and experiments which happened previously . People will give information related to the experiment which they did.

Phase 4 - Create Scholar Notes section:(15th July -- 26thJuly)

In this section ,contributors will be able to write thesis, research papers, theoretical articles related to their research work. They would be able to add information related to their observations in spreadsheets etc.

Phase 5 - Create Help Section : (26thJuly- 10th August)****

This section will be having four fields -queries, requests , help needed and contribution related help .Contributors will be able to raise there queries and problems through this.Other contributors could be able to then help them in near future.**

Phase 6-- Adding features (11thAugust-20thAugust)

New features can be added to the existing pages ,like adding ? Symbols near the fields so that the user can click on them and can know what to write.Adding new advanced power tags.

Final Submission Period(21th August - 29th August)

I will use this time for writing final documentation according to GSoC guidelines and checking that all tests pass or any Bug fixes in the code and submitting final evaluations.******

What broader goal is your project working towards?

The Project shares major sources of information these days . By making a user friendly pages for posting research papers website and posting research articles ,event details, etc. for various environmental issues . So we can listen to a greater mass and take initiatives for environmental issues which is one of the major aim of Public Lab. In addition to it ,people will also able to write proposals for sponsorship and many more.

What resources will you need: people, documentation, literature,

sample data, hardware if applicable

The contributors ,mentors and the team members of the open source community are the most relevant resources for completion of the project .Also I will be learning more about Javascript and Ruby on Rails from their official documentation. I believe my Mentors guidance will perhaps be the greatest resource for me.

Getting more people involved in open projects is not an easy task. Lowering the barrier for non-technical people will lower the effort that needs to be taken to get enough volunteers. As side-effect, more people get in contact with science and they will see that it does not need an academical background to be a scientist. This surely is a benefit in multiple ways.


Have you forked the relevant codebases? Installed them in a dev environment such as Need help doing so? Please provide a link to each of the above.

Yes I have forked the github repo and deployed it on my local machine.


Describe your technical background; what languages you use, what projects you've contributed to before, links to GitHub or other code repositories or samples. Have you read the Contributor Guidelines at and are you comfortable submitting pull requests?

I have great interest in Web developer and want to discover and learn more on Web development and Open Source projects so that I can innovate something new. I am quite new to open source and just getting a hang of it. But I have the eagerness to learn and complete any Projects assigned to me with full dedication. I love to work hard.

Skills and expertise:

Languages C, C++, Java, Ruby.

Web Technologies HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript , Ruby on Rails, MySQL.

Version Control System Git.

Image Processing : OpenCV.


Describe teams you've worked with before, whether open or closed source, and in what capacity you participated. Cite examples of how you were self-motivated and self-sufficient.

I am currently a member of Delhi Technological University's Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Team (DTU-AUV) .I am working in Computer Vision and Machine Vision department.

DTU-AUV is a team for making Autonomous Underwater Vehicles . It uses ros & opencv.

I started learning RoR this year apart from my university curriculum, so I had to learn and understand those concepts myself. I think we can achieve anything which we want with two things that are time and labour. That certainly I always try my best to give.

Regarding teamwork I found it very motivating to get support by more experienced developers.


Would you describe yourself as especially good at or interested in some aspect of coding or problem solving, or open source science? Provide examples and links. Are you particularly suited to this proposed project?

Yet I am a beginner but I am very stern about my work . You can mark my words that if I would be be selected I would give my 100% . I can really work hard and devotedly. I have started learning Ruby on Rails from last 2 months and I have done many courses since then .Here are a list of them: Ruby on Rails Introductory Coursera Course, Ruby Course of Codeacademy , Ruby on Rails course on codeacademy , Rails for Zombies course 1 and 2 from codeschool(A Pluralsight Company). I have also gone through udacity's git and github tutorials and basic Linux and command line tutorials. I have also seen the videos of HTML,css,html5, javascript and ruby from newboston channel.I did this with the exams going on in our college in March.

I am currently working hard to complete the odin project as mentioned on

I am also pretty good in Competitive Programming in C++ and C. I am doing that since a year.


Whom will your work serve? Lay users, other programmers, non-technical people or nerds? While exploring advanced techniques is great, we especially appreciate proposals which make technologies and techniques more legible and user-friendly to non-technical users.

Generally this project targets everyone, but especially non-technical users will profit. For them it will become dramatically easier to contribute to open data projects. In consequence such projects will profit both of them. For the non - technical people it would greatly help them to search through relevant content and raising their questions effectively and sharing their proposed solutions. For technical people and open source contributors it would greatly attract them to contribute more towards improving its functionality for improving the website thus popularizing their research work.


What motivates you to do the proposed work? Do you also have coursework or degree related reasons for pursuing it? This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing - if you are for example looking to explore work related to a thesis topic.

I have always wanted to become a good Web developer and open source developer. Working on this Project would greatly help me towards fulfilling this goal as well as I would be able to learn great many things. Also I have seen plots2 is very encouraging for new developers. As the mentors of this organization are very friendly .



Explain how you intend to continue being an active member of your project and/or Public Laboratory AFTER the summer is over.

Even after the summer gets over I want to continue contributing to plots2 and become an active member of Public lab community. I also have other features in mind that can be be implemented. One such idea is adding up-votes and down-votes for the research notes posted like stack overflow.


Do you understand this is a serious commitment, equivalent to a full-time paid summer internship or summer job?

Yes ,I am fully aware that it is a full time summer internship .As it is of three months duration and its a small period of duration so, I will only choose those online courses which are related to the completion of my project.Also , Google is paying me for it,hence, I am fully committed to work on it throughout the summer.************


Hi, Sidharth - thanks for your proposal. I'd like to suggest that you consider some of the systems we've already created and planned out, as I think there may be some overlap with the features you describe. I'd like to see a vision for Rich Wikis which incorporates suggestions, comments, and notifications. Partly this is because we already have systems for questions, events, and and research notes. But it's also because I'd like the planning of new features to be in concert with existing understanding of how people use, and some of the new features we're hoping to add.

You have a lot of great ideas, so I'd love to try to align a bit better -- thanks so much for posting!

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@jwarren ,Thanks for the feedback. I would like to submit my proposal again .Please guide me on which domain I need to focus. As you mentioned in the comment that there is need to comments ,suggestions and notification in the existing research notes. But currently we are able to write the suggestions and comments to the existing research notes .Also , due you want notification as we have on facebook for our comments on the article. We are not having any meetup section with the registration form nor any suggestion or help page,i guess, can we create it? So , please explain me a little more so that I can again work on my proposal and resubmit it. Thanks, @jwarren

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