Public Lab Research note

Open Water Data - Data Latern tutorials

by amocorro , sara | January 27, 2021 16:01 27 Jan 16:01 | #25558 | #25558

Sharing for water quality and organizing interested community members! Here's an activity that is replicable and can be done in your community.

Learn more about the Open Water Data project here. Tutorials (including videos) to replicate your own data lanterns can be found here: Project page on GitHub.

Excerpt from website:


"The Open Water Data project explores new ways to experience environmental data as a community to increase collective understanding and engagement in important civic conversations. It helps make open source governmental data visible, accessible, and useful to community members, advocacy groups, and local governments. It also turns a critical eye on how open data sets about the environment are shared with the public, and asks: Who do these datasets serve and who could they serve?

Our team shares the resources for creating an Open Water Data installation so that other communities can hold similar events and help us all better understand environmental contamination. There are over 50,000 facilitities operating in the US with Clean Water Act (CWA) permits to emit wastes into public waterways."


Photo description: Each lantern has a logo indicating the industry in violation - Rio Asch Phoenix

Open Water Data project was a collaboration between MIT Media Lab (Laura Perovich), Northeastern University (Sara Wylie), and GreenRoots (Roseann Bongiovanni), and ECO - Environmental Chelsea Organizers .


@amocorro has marked @sara as a co-author.

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@mashalawais this reminded me of your comments during a fall 2020 Open Call! Maybe it could spark some ideas? @Adreenah check out this art installation

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