Public Lab Research note

My webcam does not work with spectralworkbench

by aemilius89 | December 11, 2018 11:15 11 Dec 11:15 | #17863 | #17863


I just got a Dell Venue pro 11 windows tablet and the spectralworkbench in chrome and firefox do not show any of the webcams. Or one that is connected via USB. The picture below is what it looks like.

image description

With kind regards,

Emiel de Jonge


I have the same problem with the built in camera on my iPad and iPhone. This would be great to resolve as it would allow me to use this software remotely with my iPhone even when I don't have internet connection.

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@B-winters That is exactly what I want to achieve with that as well. Seeing as taking pictures with the mobile paper spectrometer and then later adding it to the spectralworkbench also does not work because pictures are always inserted in the wrong configuration and you cant rotate the pictures.

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Hi Emiel- Are you able to recognize the USB webcams in your built-in photo software? Without knowing much about your operating system, we've found that tablets and phones aren't always set up to connect to an external camera, so you may need to get in to your settings to get it to recognize the device. If you ARE able to connect to the webcam through your tablet's built-in photo program is but still aren't able to connect directly to Spectral Workbench, you can still upload your images without a direct connection, but you can also file a bug report (look at the bottom of the page for the GitHub link) with some more information about your issue and we can follow up from the software side.

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@Bronwen that's a good question. I think I did check the USB camera it did work I think but I will have to check that when I am off work.

And you can upload a picture in the Spectral Workbench but the picture will positioned wrongly and it is not possible to rotate the picture. So uploading pictures also is not a possibility. Which is what I also already tried on an android device, desktop computer and a windows 10 tablet.

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@Bronwen Hi I have checked the USB webcam on my Dell windows tablet and it works fine with the software. So it must be something in the spectral workbench programming or with this chrome version.

With kind regards,

Emiel de Jonge

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@Bronwen I have also tried this with my new windows surface pro 4 tablet and the spectral workbench does the same with that tablet. So apparently tablets cant be used with the spectral workbench? This is a pity because it takes away the mobile part of the spectrometer.

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