Public Lab Research note

Plastic Waste Makes both the Environment and Living beings Unhealthy

by Ujitha | July 02, 2021 21:16 02 Jul 21:16 | #26968 | #26968


In rural areas Colombo, Sri Lanka, daily plastic waste is not managed in required level. Due to the lack of recycling processes, people tend to burn these garbage plastic items and make huge damage to the health of the air in the area. And some are just throwing away to environment. This makes animals in the are in a threat too. Water sources, Soil everything are getting unhealthy and living beings are suffering directly and indirectly. In this areas people live in a very limited land area. So harmful gases which emits to the air when burning plastics have been causing various illnesses in respiratory system of both human and animals.

As we Identified, multiple approaches needed to tackle this issue including short term and long term.

Our main concern:

Protect both the living being in the area and environment from environmental pollution which is generating by unmanaged plastic waste.

Obstacles and supporting information:

lack of substitutes in an issue. Every time you buy something you get couple of plastic bags from the shop. Most of the time these bags are not using again and end up in the bin. Then after couple of days in a house where three to four people live, you can find significant amount of plastic bags as garbage. Introducing a reusable bags from a durable material can help.

Lack of knowledge of long turn damage this plastic waste add is one obstacle. collecting these plastic garbage which has been thrown to some public is something we do right now and trying to reduce the affect to the environment. There are government garbage collectors for the area. but those schedules are not operating for the required rate.

Plastic recycling is not in place the are and it costs to transport to the factories in the country.

Who is engaged in this concern?

There are couple of volunteering groups who are doing campaigns time to time to clean area. And people who love animals also arranging medical campaigns to help affected animals such as cats, dogs and birds.

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Do you have a waste regulatory agency in your area? Who permits landfills?

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Here Municipal Council is acting as a waste regulatory agency. Due to the very limited capacity in recycling factories, most of the waste is unloaded into lands. It's the government who permits

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