Public Lab Research note

Carbon and Oxygen Cycles

by TheChessGym | October 07, 2022 13:17 07 Oct 13:17 | #35034 | #35034

The Oxygen and Carbon Cycles are crucial contributors to the cycles of life. The Carbon and Oxygen cycles are intrinsically connected to the Water Cycle. Hence, the use of the term "cycle' refers to the continuous flow and replenishing and refreshing of the vital resources necessary for life, matter, and the structure, composition, and function of our planet. Our human bodies are comprised of approximately 19% carbon, while oxygen makes up approximately 66%. Oddly, Carbon makes up approximately 0.03 percent of the earth, while oxygen represents 21% of the earth's atmosphere. Carbon accounting for approximately 99% of the earth's rock and crust, it also represents the earth's volume.

Humans and animals utilize oxygen and carbon for a myriad of processes ranging from respiration to digestion and finally, decomposition upon death. Carbon and Oxygen are constantly transported through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. It is also amazing to imagine the relationship to Carbon and its function in controlling our Earth's core temperature. Overall, the Carbon and Oxygen Cycles are vital to the existence, function, and survival of planet earth. Hence, the study of these two substances along with understanding their protection, correct use, preservation, and conservation are mandatory for maintaining a healthy environment for all life.


the amount the body consist of carbon: (18.5%)

the amount the body consist of oxygen: (65%)

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The amount of the body that has carbon is 18 percent.
The amount of the body that has oxygen is 65 percent.

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18.5% of the human body is comprised of carbon. 65% of the human body is comprised of oxygen. Gianna Williams

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65% of the human body is made up of oxygen.

As for carbon, the body is made up of 18.5% of carbon.

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18.5% of the human body is made up of carbon and 65% is make up of oxygen.

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By mass, about 96 percent of our bodies are made of four key elements: oxygen (65 percent), carbon (18.5 percent), hydrogen (9.5 percent) and nitrogen (3.3 percent).

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18.5 percent of the human body is made up of carbon. 65 percent of the human body is made up of oxygen.

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18.5% of carbon makes up the human body, while 65% of oxygen makes up the human body.

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18.5 percent of the human body is made up of carbon and 65 percent of the human body is made up of oxygen.

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the amount of carbon in the body is 18.5% and the amount of oxygen in the body is 68%

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65% of mostly human body is made up of oxygen. The carbon, also known as the body, is made up of 18.5% of carbon. Bodies are made up of four key elements; oxygen is 65%, carbon is 18.5%, hydrogen is 9.5%, and nitrogen is 3.3% almost a half

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Oxygen and carbon are essential to all life, including human life too. The average percent of carbon in a human body is 18.5% (21.6 lbs). The average level of oxygen in a human body is 65%.

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