Public Lab Research note

Environmental Science Stimuli That Can Adversely Impact Life In The Future

by TheChessGym | August 19, 2022 13:27 19 Aug 13:27 | #34889 | #34889

nullEnvironmental Science Stimuli That Can Adversely Impact Life In The Future

This morning, I asked my students to peer into the statistics located on the Worldometer ( regarding the following areas: 1. World Population 2. Births this year 3. Deaths this year 3. People Who Have Access to Drinking Water 4. People who have access to food 5. People who have access to Health Care. All of these disciplines and the data projections depicted by the Worldometer have a direct impact on the lives of students at the present with the potential of dramatically adversely affecting their lives in the future. There are presently (at the time of writing this article) almost 9 billion people living on planet Earth. This number is due to the rate of births per second estimated at about 2.5 people per second contrasted against approximately 1 death of a human somewhere around the world dying every second. The population increase also directly impacts the mortality rate in addition to the rise in the numbers of people who have no access to drinking water, food, and health care. Couple these alarming numbers with rapidly depleting natural resources of energy, food, and water, make for immediate attention given to the subject of Environmental Science as a whole. The environment and the effects of climate change, pollution, and the mismanagement of current natural resources are all valid reasons to sound the alarm for awareness relating to the restoration, cultivation, and preservation of our Environment. Hence, the importance of an agency like Public Lab and their contributions to the studies in Environmental Science for students, teachers, parents, and the like.


The current population of the entire world is 7,968,545,630. Population is the number of people or animals living in a country, city, or area. It relates to environmental science because as the population expands, the less resources they must provide for everyone. The number of the amounts of births this year is 88,386,110. It also relates by the more babies there are the less supplies they must provide for them. 37,106,720 is the number of deaths this year. Environmental science relates to this as well because unhealthy living and working condition maybe has something to do with the deaths. The amount of people with no access to a safe drinking water source is 779, 820,500. Not having clean water is sad and we all need it survive. 863,056,989 is the amount of undernourished people in the world. Everyone needs food to stay alive. Both water and food relate to environmental science in many ways because we need both to stay alive. Health is one of the most important things in life. The populations of disease deaths, flu deaths, HIV deaths, abortions and so much more in way to high. We should take our health more into consideration because we really killing ourselves. This plays a big role into environmental science because we need to have a safe and protected environment to live. Lastly, all these topics relates to environmental science because they all play roles, and all tied to each other.

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  • Environmental Science can help gauge many things in the world that would be useful to have tabs on. 1. The population could potentially help us worry or have track of how much food and water and other resources are going to be needed. 2. The number of births could also tie into the population. 3. Just like the number of births recorded each year, the number of deaths could tie into the population via subtraction.

    1. The amount of people that are without access to clean drinking water is about 779,821,312. This would impact not only humans but also animals and their ecosystems, just like fish and wildlife. 5. The number of deaths recorded via starvation this year is 7,055,200 currently, this will also tie into the population via subtraction. 6. The amount of people with healthcare could potentially influence the population due to technology being able to save lives in the current era.

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Environmental science is the study of the affect biotic and abiotic factors have on it. So, humans being a major biotic factor on the environment are important to environmental science. Because of this human information is important because it has a direct correlation on the environment which is the main topic in environmental science emphasis on environment. Number of world population shows the stability of society and or the environment because the world population increases by the second shows that the environment is at a stable condition to support life which also ties into the amount births and deaths every year as well. The number of people without access to clean drinking water shows the pollution we as humanity have caused, polluted drinking water sources and diminished water sources are all results of the human effect on Earth. We as a human race have also affected the food supply with such a big population there are people without food because of the high demand and the strains that the world’s food supply goes through because of the high demand by the 7 to almost 8 billion people put on it every day. An access to healthcare improves your life expectancy hence securing your life to maybe further increase the human population later in life. In conclusion human information is important to environmental science because humans have a large effect on the environment around us whether it may be bad or good.

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There are approximately 7,968,543,540 people in the world. Overpopulation can play a key role in why there are a wide number of deaths this year. Some people cannot afford healthcare, which could also lend a hand as to why there are the number of deaths this year. There is a wide range of death from diseases. These people may have not be able to afford the proper care in order to survive. There are approximately 863,056,566 people that are malnourished and 10,063 people that have died from hunger today alone. The population is growing continuously every second. There are approximately 127,170 births today and 88,384,660 births this year. Every second there are 2-3 births which adds onto the population. More people are born even second compared to the people that die. This makes some resources slim, which can directly cause hunger, thirst, and death.

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A lot of people want to go into studying environmental science. Environmental science is a interdisciplinary field of study. Multiple topics are covered but why? It gives humans the information we should know about the environment like how toxins affects our surroundings. People want to prevent things like this happening. Make the world become a better place. The following information goes into detail about the multiple things that can affect the environment and/or how the environment can affect us.

The current world population is 7,968,545,906. The population is increasing every year, every day, every second. The more people into this world the more possibility it would be taking up a lot of resources. The number of people that access to safe clean drinking water is 779,820,641. People are drinking, smoking cigarettes, having HIV, and this all contributes to health, births, and deaths. The number of deaths this year are 779,820,641 and the number of births this year are 88,388,978. Health can affect deaths and births with defects. If a human smokes or has AIDs or disease, couldn’t it be passed on to the child? Children are at risk of thirdhand smoking with the smoke in the air.

The numbers are rising and fast. What does health, births, deaths, food, health, and population have to do with environmental science? Well, environmental science is the area surrounding you and how certain factors can change global warming, contamination, etc. The things that are constantly being put in the air by factories or by plants, are toxic chemicals. They can become toxic causing deaths and the people brought into this world is vulnerable to the chemicals as well. The water isn’t clean, resources are running out, as an example, 10,712 people who died of hunger today. People don’t have access to clean water, it’s the toxins that flow into the water are a lot of places. The higher the population, the more chances of someone contributing to these factors that can cause health problems.

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Environmental science branches off to many other different sciences. Environmental health focuses on the relationships between people and their environment. Things that environmental health includes is population, water, food, and healthcare. The current population is over 7 billion people. We are expected to reach 8 billion in 2023. More people are born then people who die. This relates environmental science because it could affect the number of resources we have. If we hit 10billion people, we might have to go to extreme measures to keep the population down. There is an estimated amount of 3% of fresh water. 2.5% of that fresh water is completely unavailable due to pollution. Our soil is also polluted due to the amount of trash on our earth surface. When we hit 10billion the trash would take over the oceans and land. The polluted air affects people health. The air causes health problems like respiratory diseases, heart disease, and some types of cancer.

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Human population is the amount of people that live in an environment. The current world population is estimated 7,968,540,666. The world’s population is growing at an alarming rate creating worries of overpopulation. If a place is overpopulated, the ratio of resources needed to support the amount of people can decrease. However, there have been approximately 37,102,650 deaths this year. Deaths can be related to problems within the environment. For example, water and food are resources people need to survive. But, without enough in the environment, the population can decrease. Humans will continue to deplete or contaminate these resources and will lead to a future where once abundant resources are limited. 779,820,985 people do not have access to water. About 863,056,511 people are undernourished. Lack or contamination of these in the ecosystem can harm the environment. People without health care also contribute to deaths and population decrease. All of these factors contribute to environmental science and impact our lives directly.

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Because environmental science is an interdisciplinary study, it has many factors that affect it, such as population. Population is especially important because there is only a limited number of resources to go around. Too big a population can cause a decline in available resources. The number of births this year is over double the number of deaths. This obviously affects the population, causing it to grow exponentially. Soon enough, there will not be enough food or water to go around and nourish everybody. Food and water, even though water can be recycled, and food can be regrown, there is a limited amount of water on Earth, and a limited amount of space to grow food. In the future, people will continue clearing forests and natural habitats to make more room for farmland. This reduces the biodiversity of our natural environments and causes hundreds of species to go extinct per year. Population is one of the largest factors that affects our environment, and a major influence on population is healthcare. According to the Worldometer, the population doubled in only 40 years. (1959-1999) This is due to the increases and advancement in medical technology and its reliability. Giving birth and fighting disease is a lot less dangerous today than it was centuries ago, which contributed to the recent boom in population. Healthcare is becoming more accessible and widespread, so people are living longer, which is good, however more people living longer equates to more resource consumption. All these factors link to the population of planet Earth, which has a direct impact on our natural environment.

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Births, deaths, water, food, healthcare, population. It all affects the environment. The population is the contributing factor, because more people equal a greater demand for food and water. More people mean more money spent on healthcare, more babies being born, and more people likely to die. The environment can only offer so many resources for a certain amount of time because we will never lose nor gain more food or water. However, with the growing population, people will demand increasingly. There are more births than deaths. In a second, about four people are born per death. This grows concerning that there are more people being born. How many people can be born before we exceed Earth’s capacity? Other living things such as animals, fish, and insects also live on the same planet as us, so they also need resources as much as we do. If we do not act fast, many species will go instinct, affecting our food resources. The pollution we bring will wreak havoc on our air quality. Air quality will affect global warming and our water. Since there are so many people, we should help each other ensure a safer, healthier future for us, our future generations, and the environment.

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Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field that studies how physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment interact with and affect organisms living in the environment. It’s a topic that has many different subjects relating to it. And one of the topics that greatly affect environmental science is Anthropology. Humans greatly affect the environment through population, the use of resources, and overall advancement in technology. Because of how we use resources in the environment and our carelessness of our surroundings, we cause damage to habitats, other organisms, and ourselves. The population is rapidly and constantly growing. This is because of the advancements in technology and the industrialization of nations. Even though this seems like a wonderful thing, it has serious downsides, one being the resources. We’re exhausting our resources as well as overproducing and overusing other products which causes excessive waste. This leads to people starving and dehydrated because they have n way to access food or water. There are also many sicknesses humans can contract that can cause death. Even though the factors I previously stated can all cause death, people are still being born in alarming rates. For every 1 death there are 4 births. Many people also can’t afford or don’t have access to healthcare which can lead to devasting affects not only on the people but on the environment as well. The health sector contributes to damaging and degrading the environment. Health care has a huge natural footprint as well as its waste production. And if you can’t afford health care that means you can’t get treated if you have serious conditions, if these conditions are treated there’s a possibility that other people can be affected in more ways than one. Environmental science is a significant and serious topic. It’s something that affects everyone and every living thing of this planet, it’s of a great concern. And the way we treat the planet; the things we do; how we live our life- it al changes the world we live in. Disciplines like population, birth death, food, water, and healthcare are al changes factors. Some of these disciplines grow exponentially while others are quickly depleting. So, to answer the question of how these factors affect the world is simple. They don’t just affect the world’s future but define it.

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Studying about our population is vital because the number of people in the world is growing rapidly. The number of births this year is 88,386,059. More people also means that we will have more waste and pollution is going into our environment. More people are being born than there are dying. There are about 4.5 births every second. There are about 1.8 deaths per second.

Our world has limited resources, and if our population keeps increasing, everyone will not have access to vital necessities. We already have enough people in the world without safe drinking water, approximately 779,820,448. Food is also something important that many don’t have access to. There are 863,057,192 unfortunate souls that deal with malnourishment due to the lack of food. Another issue is healthcare. It is expensive in America, that’s why many don’t have it. If the number of people goes up, so does the demand for healthcare. This will make it more expensive, resulting in less people being able to afford it. Our current Public Healthcare expenditure today is $ 5,789,654,123, and it’s still growing rapidly.

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Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that studies the effects of humans have on the environment. The current world population is 7,658,540,745 and estimated to hit 8 billion by 2023. The human population is growing at an alarmingly fast rate and the environment is becoming off balance. There have been 37,102,460 deaths this year and 88,376,357 births this year. The number of births is much greater than the number of deaths, keeping the world population in a constant state of growth. This is a problem that is causing our environment to become overstimulated and soon collapse. Unrenewable resources such as oil, coal, and natural gas are in high demand today but becoming scarce because of non-preservation. These resources are also harming the environment because of overuse/ production. But theses aren’t the only resources depleting. 779,812,298 people currently have no access to safe drinking water and 7,055,179 have died from hunger this year. As the population grows there is more people being thrusted into poverty. There are 31.6 million people without healthcare. As the population grows (and consequently the economy fails) the cost of living goes up—inflation-- less and less people can afford healthcare/ insurance. With the growing number of people in the world the environment is suffering. There aren’t enough resources to provided for the entire population but others in dangerous conditions. Therefore, environmental science is important. We should focus on replenishing our environment and implement policies to protect it. If we don’t act now our future generations will suffer the consequences.

-Gianna Williams

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Environmental Science play is a crucial role in the survivability of the human society and the environment. There are a lot of factors that affect the environment that includes biotic and abiotic. Some of these factors includes population, birth rates, death rates, access to safe drinkable water, food supply or availability and so forth. Human population is directly contingent to the food supply, access to water and healthcare. Currently there are approximately 7.9 billion humans and back in 1922 there are 1.86 to 2 billion. The population increased four times the size in 100 years and with overpopulation it can over run the supply of our daily essentials. The populations growth rate is 1.05% during 2020 and continuously increasing. A rapid continuous increase of population can lead to the increase of needed space, energy consumption, food, water, and healthcare. Increase energy consumption drains the earth of our non-renewable resources even with renewable resources like hydroelectric energy, and solar energy is not enough to meet the demands of the rising population. This is a serious concern over the public safety and well-being of future generations because if necessities are not met for most of the people it can lead to other various problems in the economy and increase in poverty rate. These effects can cause chaos and major up heeling which can cause the government to lose control and potentially anarchy. Huge energy consumption due to increase in population increase the releases of greenhouse gas since renewable energy sources are not enough to meet the current demands. This year CO2 emissions is 22,984,274,092 tons. This can cause the greenhouse effect which is global warming affecting the ecosystem disrupting natural balance of the food chain/food web which can have adverse effect on human agriculture and wildlife. Global warming can lead to rising sea levels, less protection from the sun and huge refineries that generate our energy needs pollutes our soil, air and water which correlates back to food production.

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The current world population is 7,968,543,907 and is rapidly growing it reached 7 billion on October 31, 2011. Due to the fact of environmental science which involves multiple other sciences that studies how the environment affect humans, and their everyday life. From the uses of environmental science, the population is projected to reach 8 billion in 2023, 9 billion in 2037, and 10 billion people in the year 2055. The births this year 88,388,523 even though the number is growing each second the number of deaths this is not too far behind with the number of 37,107,880. The number of deaths may be due to a lot of things like diseases or just dying of old age. Environmental science studies pollution and the main things that humans need to survive are pollute everyday like the water, air, and soil. The soil may be polluted but the number of people who are undernourished is 863,057,153 and this is throughout the whole world. This reason can have multiple reasons behind whether its pollution or people simply just cannot afford it. With the number of people who is undernourished there is 779,820,233 people who does not have access to a safe drinking water source. The deaths caused by water related diseases this year is 531, 299 and growing by the minute. Based on my research environmental science can be very helpful in preventing and decreasing these numbers if people are willing to take a step back from some of the things, they do to help the environment. The problems that occur in the world not only affects humans, but it also affects the plants and animals. We need environmental science because it is an interdisciplinary study that involves sciences like biology, geography, and chemistry which we can use to our advantage to keep our environment safe and to keep people from dying. Though the worlds population is great in number we would have to take a look into to the future and see if the population steadily grows to how predicted to be we still have to think about resources to where eventually at some point there wont be enough for everyone. With the number of resources being limited to not only having to much and being polluted the number of deaths will be greater than the growth of the population.

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Environmental Science Stimuli That Can Adversely Impact Life in The Future There are several factors that can adversely affect life in the future. Those things consist of population, births, deaths, water, food, and health. The current world population is 7,968,543,900. The current birth of this year is 88,382,125. The total deaths this year is 37,105,021. The amount of water used this year is 2,847,218,647 liters. The amount of people that doesn’t have access to food is 863,056,807 and amount of people that doesn’t have access to health care is approximately 120,000,000. With, there are two major forms of the impact of so many humans on the environment. They are utilization of assets such as land, food, water, air, fossil fuels and minerals and waste products as a result of utilization such as discuss and water toxins, poisonous materials and greenhouse gasses, therefore births and death ties into population. Food can impact life in the future because according to my knowledge the birth rate is approximately three times as large as the death rate, which means that more land would be taken up and this could contribute to less food production, therefor food would become less natural and more processed, and this has been scientifically proven to cause cancer and other sickness due to radiation of gmo(genetically modified) foods. Lastly, water impacting earth, its quite simple, water is need for everything, to grow food, to harvest fish and livestock, and to survive. There are tons and millions of people that doesn’t have access to safe water sources, and we have already used 2,847,218,647 liters this year. It’s important to have water to survive but it’s more important to have clean/pure water to substantially survive.

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Population-all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country. The population ties into environmental because the environment takes up of two major forms. Consumption of resources such as land, food, water, air, fossil fuels and minerals. Between 1960 and 1999, Earth's population doubled from three billion to six billion people. In many ways, this reflected good news for humanity: child mortality rates plummeted, life expectancy increased, and people were on average healthier and better nourished than at any time in history. Births- the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being. Birth ties into environmental science because as we know naturally kids or born every day or shall I say every second. About birth: Some links between our environment and our health are well known; air-quality alerts, for instance, are a regular part of the daily news. But few of us are aware that some of our major health risks were predicted by environmental factors our mothers experienced while we were still in the womb.

Death- the action or fact of dying or being killed, the end of the life of a person or organism.
Exposure to indoor air pollution from household burning and solid fuels affects nearly half of the world's population. The primitive fires typically fill homes with dense smoke, blackening walls and ceilings and sickening those within.

Health-the state of being free from illness or injury. The health in the population right now is okay, its not good but it’s not bad. Human health and well-being are intimately linked to the state of the environment. Good quality natural environments provide basic needs, in terms of clean air and water, fertile land for food production, and energy and material inputs for production.

Food- any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. When it comes down to food, people today demand cheap food. The environment today impacts our food.

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Population The current world population is 7,968,545,019. The population has doubled in 40 years between and 1999. It went from 3 million to 6 million. We are projected to reach 8 billion by 2023. This is important because the more people in the world means the more resources that is used to take care of the growing population. The study of environmental science is very important when it comes to the population because it helps us figure out what the growth of the population does to the environment. Births and Deaths In the world there is currently 131,600 births that just happened today and only 55,271 deaths. So that means for every all most 3 births there is 1 death. This ratio of 3:1 is just how that population is getting bigger. The environment can’t keep up with the growth of the population because a lot of the resources that we have a very limited due to pollution or just a simple shortage of it. But environmental science helps us see that so that we can try to fix it before it gets any worst or at least until the future generation takes over. Water and Food In the world right now, there is currently 863,057,278 undernourished people in the world, and we also have 10,888 people that have died due to hunger just today. Also, in the world there is 779,820,125 people that don’t have drinkable water and 531,309 people that died because of water related diseases. This has everything to do with environmental science because environment science studies the water quality and food quality. Environment science would help us see what harmful things that in the water are in the soil or feed that grows or that is fed to the food we eat every day. Healthcare In the world right now, there is about 3.5 billion people in this world that doesn’t have any healthcare. This is crazy because of that fact that basic healthcare is every expensive especially when you live in a 4th world country. The fact that healthcare is expensive it makes people that are very sick not get a checkup. This means that whatever that person has will now spread because they are not getting treated for in. With the use of environmental science, we can see how the disease would spread and start effect the environment we live in.

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