Public Lab Research note

WAVe -Microplastic Pollution in the Mississippi River Research

by TheChessGym | March 28, 2022 15:16 28 Mar 15:16 | #30194 | #30194

Research into Microplastic Pollution in the Mississippi River

WAVe is a volunteer organization comprised of both professional and non-professional Environmental Conservation, Restoration, and Preservation activist. The organization "WAVe" (water- action- volunteers) have a primary focus in addressing and confronting microplastic pollution's detection, causes, and impacts on the humans, aquatic and land species and the overall environment. The agency also is actively engaged in the reduction, eradication, and complete elimination of microplastics in our waterways. This is a huge and monumental task given the far-reaching and extensive regions that benefit from one of the country's longest fresh water resource. I have posted/attached the link to the video of this most noteworthy undertaking.


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