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Question: Can you give me measure for spectrum? Thank you.

Skorex is asking a question about spectrometry
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by Skorex | May 05, 2019 18:39 | #19245

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Hey @Skorex!

Sorry for the delay. I'm not sure if you're looking for a measurement of the actual spectrometer that you have photographed, or if you are looking for a measurement of a particular spectrum that you created in spectral workbench (SW).

If it's a spectrum from SW, see this question that was recently asked here.

Feel free to comment over there if you'd like more help since it will notify all of the people already in that thread.

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Hey can u give me measure for this spectrum, please.

On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 4:20 AM \<> wrote:

Hi! There's been a comment to your question 'Can you give me measure for spectrum? Thank you.'. You can reply to this email or visit this link:

bsugar wrote:

Hey @Skorex! Sorry for the delay. I'm not sure if you're looking for a measurement of the actual spectrometer that you have photographed, or if you are looking for a measurement of a particular spectrum that you created in spectral workbench (SW). If it's a spectrum from SW, see this question that was recently asked here. Feel free to comment over there if you'd like more help since it will notify all of the people already in that thread.

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