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Question: Can you help us with calibrating our spectrometer?

KristinaTamara is asking a question about spectrometry
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by KristinaTamara | May 26, 2019 18:09 | #19525

That would be very helpful for our school project (physics). Thanks in advance.

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thank you for replying, but the problem is that i don't know how to do it right way, so I if you can please help us with calibrating the green color and we will do the rest, that would be vey helpful

The green line on a compact florescent lamp is the one at 546 nm.

There are a couple of calibration videos on the link @Warren gave that might help. They weren't working for me.

can you please give us a picture of calibration for our spectrometer? thanks in advance that will be the last thing that we ask, I promise ☺️

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warren, I am sorry for bothering you again, but we really don't have much time because this is the final school project. so, please can you send us a picture of calibration

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Hello i am from Kazahstan and i will help you. Just tell me what a collor do u want? My English is not good but we can talk.  Is blue chroma ok?Can u answer me ASAP?

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Sure, can you share a screenshot of how far you got? And, if you have a link to your spectrum that you've saved on, we can take a look there too!

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KristinaTamara wrote:

thank you for replying, but the problem is that i don't know how to do it right way, so I if you can please help us with calibrating the green color and we will do the rest, that would be vey helpful

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